Air purifiers being deployed in all ACPS classrooms to reduce COVID spread

Press release from Alachua County Public Schools

A key element of Alachua County Public Schools’ ongoing fight against the spread of COVID-19 is being deployed in local schools this week.

Beginning today and continuing through Friday, 1700 air purifiers are being delivered to classrooms across the district. The AERAMax Pro 4 units are designed specifically for classroom spaces. They circulate the air 3 to 5 times each hour and remove 99.97% of airborne particulates. That includes COVID and other airborne pathogens and allergens, including dust and pollen. They also remove flu and mold spores and even trap odors

“These units are an important part of our overall effort to keep students, staff, and visitors safe and healthy,” said Superintendent Dr. Carlee Simon. “They will have long-lasting benefits even beyond the COVID pandemic.”

The filters don’t require any special installation; rather they are floor-standing machines that just need to be plugged in. All schools are expected to receive their filters by the end of this week.

The district is also exploring other air purifying solutions for larger areas in schools, such as cafeterias and media centers. 

The district is spending about $2.8 million on the purifiers and an additional two years’ worth of carbon and HEPA filters for the units. The funding is coming from federal dollars provided to schools to help address COVID issues. 

  • Isn’t that what masks are for? Kind of a contradiction of their thesis isn’t it?

    Think about it. Unless there is a respiratory tube coming out of a child’s body and going directly into the purifier, how is it it going to purify the expulsed air? Will every child have to get a permission slip or raise their hands to go exhale in front of the purifier?

    Good idea for my next doctoral dissertation in my pursuit of a furthering my career in neurological disorders.

  • 🙄 Well, it only took a year and a half…
    I predict that most of these units will be in some closet or a school dumpster a year from now.
    The Delta spike is over here in Florida.
    The numbers are already dropping like a rock.
    This is just a pricey form of virtue signaling.
    It won’t hurt, but what a huge price tag to make people feel like they are doing something… Something… Anything to look like they’re doing something..

  • Just wait until the normal winter flu and upper respiratory virus season kicks in. Every sniffle will have
    that flaccid weakling Ken Cornell and his gang of stooges doing wee wee in their pants, paralyzed with fear of the latest microbes du jour. What a bunch of dumb stump jumpers! Next they’ll have the kids wearing gas masks.

    Cornell needs an Ivermectin enema. It might counteract whatever hysteria bug crawled up his a**.

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