Amateur Radio Winter Field Day to be held this weekend

Press release from Gainesville Amateur Radio Society

WALDO, Fla. – The Gainesville Amateur Radio Society (GARS) is hosting Winter Field Day, and it is open to the public. On  Saturday, January 28 (2 p.m. to 6 p.m.), and  Sunday, January 29 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.), people of all ages – kids, too – are welcome to visit the Waldo City EOC and see us (and try it yourself!) getting “on the air” using Ham radio and connecting in a contest mode across the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

We will be demonstrating “talking” (voice) as well as CW (Morse code). The Waldo City EOC is located a short 15-minute drive north of Gainesville, at Waldo City Square, 14450 NE 148th Ave, Waldo. For more information, contact the club at or check out our Facebook page. We hope to see you there! 

  • Waldo has been super in hosting this event. The Gaineville Amateur Radio Society is comprised of many talented, public sevice-minded people, from all walks of life; and this is play-time for us!

  • Even with so many forms of communication amateur radio will work when all others fail during an emergency. Good to share the amateur radio hobby and hopefully encourage others to participate and become amateur radio operators.

  • The Waldo City Square is a great place to meet, and the Waldo community is very friendly group of people. Please come out and see what HAM radio is all about!

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