ASO asks the public for help in finding stolen dog


Staff report from Alachua County Sheriff’s Office video

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Alachua County Sheriff’s Office is asking the public for any information about a certified Husky that was stolen last summer and last seen in the Shell Rock Villas area.

Grace Smith was arrested last week for allegedly trying to get Rudy’s owner to pay $400 to get him back, but her roommate told law enforcement that Rudy (spelled “Rudie” in the arrest report) ran away in November and she didn’t know where he was. Smith’s address is in Shell Rock Villas, off SW 61st Street.

Rudy is a certified Husky, about three years old, and was stolen on June 11, 2024, from outside his owner’s home. The Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone who had contact with Smith or her accomplice, Alexandra James, regarding a white Husky between the dates of June and November of 2024, to contact Detective Adams at

More photos of Rudy can be found in this video.

  • How sad. Prayers that this baby makes it back to his owner’s home. And, shame on the dog thieves. Lowlife scum! Get a job, people, there are “help wanted” ads everywhere!! I’m telling you, a lot more of these criminals would think twice if they were subjected to manual labor in the slammer, instead of lounging around making free phone calls all day. This county is an effing joke when it comes to crime control. BBTCG (bring back the chain gangs)

  • I think the best way to find out Rudy’s whereabouts is to chain Grace up in the middle of a field without food, water, shade, or blanket. If any bleeding hearts show up to protest, get another chain.
    Don’t worry, no animals will be harmed in the implementation of such efforts.

  • There was a dog like this in a empty lot across from me. People beyond that lot has the dog. We thought it was dropped off.

    • Please call the sheriff’s office and let them know where you think the dog is. (352) 955-1818

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