August 5 Alachua County Development Review Committee Meeting

Press release from Alachua County

The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, August 5, 2021, at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). This hybrid meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. The public may attend and participate (offer comments) in this meeting virtually and in-person. The public may view the meeting on the County’s Video on Demand website.

Masking in the meeting is now voluntary. Alachua County strongly recommends that those not vaccinated wear a mask.

For public who attend virtually, once public comment is opened for an item under discussion, please call 929-505-6099 (enter meeting code 478 494 9835). Callers will be put in a queue, and prompted when it is their turn to speak. TO AVOID FEEDBACK, SPEAKERS MUST TURN DOWN THE VOLUME ON THEIR DEVICE WHEN ADDRESSING THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. Callers should state their names and limit comments to three minutes. When prompted for in-person comment, in-person participants should follow the direction of the Chair to participate. Written comments or photographic documents may be emailed to Development Review Staff ahead of the scheduled hearing

Items for the Development Review Committee Meeting: 

Town of Tioga Planned Development Phase 21 – a Final Development Plan and Plat Review for a 37 lot single family residential subdivision on approximately 10.68 acres. Located on a portion of Tax Parcel Numbers 04415-000-000 and 04415-001-000 in the 13500 blocks of SW 9th Road. View the Staff Report and Back-up Materials. 

Sonic at SW Archer Road – a Final Development Plan Review for a proposed 1,750sf restaurant with drive through on 2.74 acres. Located on Tax Parcel Number 06899-000-000 and a portion of 06893-001-000 at 6421 SW Archer Road. View the Staff Report and Back-up Materials. 

Alachua County Veterans Memorial Park – a Revised Final Development Plan Review for a proposed splash pad, restroom building, parking area, and replacement sidewalks with associated stormwater on approximately 23 acres. Located on Tax Parcel Number 06846-001-000 and a portion of Tax Parcel Number 06846-000-000 at 7340 SW 41st Place. View the Staff Report and Back-up Materials. 

South Pointe Planned Development Phase II, Units IIA and IIB – a Revised Final Development Order to amend condition of Development Order DR_18_17 to comply with PD condition #4 of ZOM-06-19. Located on Tax Parcel Number 04321-050-006 and a portion of Tax Parcel Number, 04321-050-010 in the 1400-1700 Blocks of NW 118th Street through NW 120th Terrace. View the Staff Report and Back-up Materials.

View the Development Review Committee Agenda.

  • Really, a Sonic… What Alachua county needs is a new high school. The old YMCA property at 9200 Archer road would be perfect.

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