Celebrate Fibonacci Day with the Cade Museum

Press release from the Cade Museum
The Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention is celebrating Fibonacci Day on Friday, August 13, 2021, from noon to 5 p.m.
Did you know the Cade Museum’s building was designed using the Fibonacci Sequence, a mathematical golden ratio? Learn more in architectural tours of the museum and grounds offered throughout the day. Read a mini-exhibit on Fibonacci numbers and learn hands-on how the numbers work in nature and design through activities and experiments.
While you may have heard of Pi Day celebrations, you likely haven’t heard of Fibonacci Day celebrations. That’s because they are so rare. August 13, 2021 (8-13-21) will be the last date that corresponds with the sequence until nearly a hundred years from now.
The Fibonacci sequence is named for Leonardo (Fibonacci) De Pisa who introduced the mathematical concept to Europe in the 11th century. The series of numbers starts with 0 and 1, and each number after is found by adding the two previous numbers (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34…). The last “Fibonacci day” fell on May 8, 2013 (5-8-13) and the next will fall on January 1, 2102 (1-1-02).
The Fibonacci sequence is often referred to as the golden ratio. The numbers are related to spiral growth and are found in nature in the spirals of pinecones, pineapples, or snail shells and more. The numbers are associated with beauty and patterns that appeal to the eye. Renaissance architects often used the golden ratio in their building proportions and artists like Leonardo Da Vinci incorporated it into their paintings.
The Cade Museum was built using the golden ratio to create a sense of harmony, balance, and beauty in the physical space. It also represents the Cade’s mission to transform communities and the vision to spread an inventive mindset around the world.
“We took the classical divine proportion of the ancient Greeks and we put it on a spiral,” says Phoebe Cade Miles, co-founder of the Cade Museum. “The spiral starts in the very center of the rotunda. It spirals out and out and out. We actually tracked it through the whole world to see where the spiral would go and it’s pretty exciting.”