Chabad UF presents Saul Dreier and Holocaust Survivor Band on January 31

Press release from Chabad UF Jewish Student & Community Center
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Soon all Holocaust survivors will be gone! How will the world continue to learn from their experience? Will their personal stories of courage, resilience, and hope be remembered?
On Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., we will have an exclusive opportunity never to forget one such story – as told by Saul Dreier, age 97. Saul is a survivor of three concentration camps and the sole survivor of his large family. He credits his passion for music for his miraculous survival. Saul founded the Holocaust Survivor Band and has traveled the world capturing audiences with his music and personal story of courage and turning darkness into light.
This historic event is taking place on Tuesday, January 31, at 7:00 p.m. at the Chabad UF Jewish Student & Community Center, 2021 NW 5th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32603. The event is RSVP and free admission.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for people from diverse walks of life, faiths, and backgrounds to be educated on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism and to hear a message of courage, resilience, and hope. In light of the recent increased anti-Semitic incidents, organizers are hoping for a full house, as this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Saul and hear his powerful story and its ensuing lessons of tolerance and peace.
Gainesville‘s Chabad UF Jewish Student and Community Center Director, Chanie Goldman urges the community to attend. “The Holocaust is a challenging subject of a time that is difficult to imagine, but its lessons are vital and valuable to learn, as well as critical to the future of humanity,” said Chanie Goldman. “Saul’s courageous story of survival is an inspirational story of hope and perseverance. We’re honored to have him come to Gainesville.”
Admission is free of charge to give everyone an opportunity to listen and learn the lessons of the Holocaust and recommit to bringing love and compassion to the world while vowing “Never Again.” RSVP and more information on the event, including a donation option to help sponsor the event is available at or email- or call (352)336-5877.
Thank goodness the Nazis were defeated so Saul can play his lovely music for Gator nation while we watch our nation be eroded by unlimited immigration, transgender story hours, the celebration of BLM and St. George Floyd, and neighbors getting hooked on fentanyl. Had those evil Nazis prevailed, I can only imagine the horrors through which we’d be living. Music will set you free.