Chilean national who overstayed his visa charged with rape

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Lukas Joel Navarro Valdivia, 20, was arrested yesterday and charged with rape after allegedly forcing himself on a woman he dated in the past. According to court documents, he entered the United States on a vacation visa in 2016 and never returned to Chile.

A Gainesville Police Department Detective reported that the victim said she had been locking her bedroom door to keep Navarro Valdivia out, but when she temporarily unlocked the door at about 5 p.m. on January 28, Navarro Valdivia came into her room and forced himself on her. She said she was crying and kept telling him to stop, but he would not stop. She said he also punched her in the stomach and slapped her in the face.

As soon as Navarro Valdivia left her room, the victim filed an online report with “Report Rape Gainesville” and also told a witness what had happend. Later that evening, the victim said, she confronted Navarro Valdivia in person and said he justified his actions by saying he did it to “get even with her” and that now they could “have a blank slate.”

The victim met with a detective two days later, and the detective reported viewing text messages between the victim and Navarro Valdivia in which Navarro Valdivia pleaded with the victim to “please call back and just say you don’t wanna talk abt anymore and to pls drop the report.” The victim also reportedly said that messages from her phone to law enforcement about dropping the case were actually sent by Navarro Valdivia, who pressured her into giving him her phone.

In other text messages, Navarro Valdivia reportedly wrote that he was “ashamed of what I did.”

The witness reportedly corroborated the victim’s account that she had told the witness about the incident shortly after it happened.

Post Miranda, Navarro Valdivia reportedly denied at first that he’d had sexual intercourse with the victim, but he admitted having sexual intercourse after he was confronted with the text messages. He reportedly admitted that the victim was “not into it” and admitted he had slapped the victim and that she was “sobbing” afterward. He reportedly admitted that the victim was “not consenting at the end” and that it was “kind of rape-ish.”

The arrest report notes that Navarro Valdivia is a Santa Fe College student who was born in Chile and has no Social Security number or identification documents; he was reportedly identified by the victim and his identity was confirmed through Homeland Security Investigations.

Navarro Valdivia has been charged with sexual battery on a victim over 18. He has no local criminal history; Judge George Wright ordered him held without bail pending a hearing on a motion from the State Attorney’s office to hold him without bail until trial.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Tom Homan, got one for ya buddy, except Gainesville liberals will probably hide him, give him getaway money and a sandwich to take with him.

    • We know Ward won’t be taking him home.
      His hypocrisy won’t allow him to be arrested for harboring a criminal.

    • Liberals don’t support rapists. I wish I could say the same about MAGAs, but they love rapists so much that they decided to give America’s favorite rapist another shot at ravaging the constitution.

      • Problem is liberals only discriminate behind closed doors. Well except for when they forget they’re on camera:

        Now in public they want to support everything and everybody. Ironic they didn’t care about the border until close to election time. They seem to have selective application of the law when it comes to legally entering the United States. They think most people, (conservatives), are racist and think most minorities are still suffering from slavery more than their own lack of effort.
        Have you given back any of the land or resources your ancestors ravaged from the native Americans?
        Didn’t think so.

      • So as a liberal you come on here making false accusations against not only a president but the entire Republican Party! One quit watching the liberal media and stop spreading false information! For one there were never any charges of rape against the president and he was never convicted of any such crime! Now as for the illegal that this story is about he should be held, tried and convicted and either put him in prison and or ship him back to his former country!!

      • I bet you don’t see this story on WCJB Gainesville Sun or Florida Alligator. because your commie friends do more to hide crime then to stop. You ever wonder why the commies at the Gainesville Sun stopped posting mugshots?

  • “A Chilean National”, then later on it reads, “no documentation or social security number”….
    So the short simple layman’s version of the article should read something like this ;;;
    (Clears Throat)
    ‘In other news an illegal immigrant has committed another rape in Alachua County. Trump and his advisors are seeking the death penalty. Exportation of the immigrants body in the cargo hold aboard a civilian aircraft is expected to take place next year, after Alachua County’s Liberal Criminal Court System has exhausted all Constitutional & Legislative avenues….
    But I’m no editor. 😂

  • Well then, if he is on a student visa, time to revoke it and send him home. If he’s undocumented, time to send him home. He admitted his crime.

  • So, does SFC just let anyone into their classes who walks in the front door? Does that policy date back to Biden or Obama?
    Send him to Gitmo, no lawyers needed.

  • So, how did/does an illegal alien get to be a student at Santa Fe in the first place? Where did he get the money? With no SSN and no ID?

    • Part of the Poe group. They get money housing, etc. Catholic Charities and Lutheran groups support this stuff big time

  • I bet you won’t see this story anywhere else If you only watched TV20WCJB or read only the Gainesville Sun and Florida Alligator you would never know any crimes were committed in the GSSR. I wonder why these bastions of journalism intentionally ignore these stories and hide the facts. I think the AC should do a story about their journalist counterparts in the community helping the commies in charge of the GSSR keeping the masses in dark about the reality of what life is like inside this utopia we call the GSSR.

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