City commission ends phone comments, votes to show support for “We Say Gaynesville” event
At their March 17 meeting, the Gainesville City Commission voted to discontinue phone comments and to show support for the “We Say Gaynesville” event that happened on Saturday.
At the same meeting where they voted to spend close to a million dollars over three years to provide translation services to make City government more accessible to non-English speakers, the commission voted to make City meetings less accessible to those who have difficulty getting to City Hall in person.
The agenda item was proposed by Commissioner Adrian Hayes-Santos, who said, “Times have changed, and we’ve come back to normal, to an extent. The cost is significant for us to provide the service; we’re on track to spend like $110,000 a year on this.” He pointed out that the County has also ended the service.
Commissioners David Arreola and Reina Saco thanked the call service representative who was working that meeting, with Saco adding, “You are family at this point… nobody sticks with the whole meeting except us and you… But unfortunately I am going to have to agree with Commissioner Hayes-Santos… At the beginning, this was vital. There was no other way… But I think we’ve noticed that through the data provided, that for a couple dozen folks to constantly use it…” She paused to get clarification on the numbers and was told that 391 unique callers had used the service. “Okay, that’s fewer than 400 in a city of… 145,000?… It was a lovely convenience to have, but it’s no longer a necessity.” Saco said she would like to see the service phased out, with plenty of notice to the public “so that our neighbors don’t miss out on the opportunity to comment when the program does go dark.”
Mayor Lauren Poe said the service has been particularly useful for big issues with a lot of public participation, “but for our regular business, I agree.”
Hayes-Santos made a motion to end the call-in service and use those funds to cover the cost of the language access program for limited English speakers.
Clerk Omichele Gainey said the contract with the service ends on March 28, so “this will be likely the last meeting that we’ll be using their service.” Poe asked whether they could still use the service on an ad hoc basis, and Gainey said she would work with the company to do that.
“This has been a huge opportunity for lower-income residents, elderly, handicapped, and other hard-working residents to participate when they are unable to attend in person.” – Debbie Martinez
During public comment, Debbie Martinez called in to say the service “has proven to be an asset and a more equitable way for allowing residents to engage their commission during City meetings in real time. This has been a huge opportunity for lower-income residents, elderly, handicapped, and other hard-working residents to participate when they are unable to attend in person.” She encouraged the commission to work on setting up an in-house service, like the school board does.
Nathan Skop said, “The majority of you guys are still wearing masks, you’re projecting a culture of fear and paranoia by virtue of you wearing your mask despite the President saying they’re not required. People are afraid to come down. If you guys are going to… try to limit remote participation, citing costs, take off the masks and encourage people to come down to City Hall.” He also suggested finding a way to provide the service with City staff.
Tina Days said the service is invaluable to people like her who “can’t always go down to City Hall on a work day, and much less at a 6:00 meeting. I have three kids… I cannot come to the meeting, and the only way I can participate is to call in. And I do have legitimate things I want to say. I think it would be a disgrace if y’all discontinue this service.”
The motion to let the contract expire passed 5-1, with Commissioner Desmon Duncan-Walker in dissent and Arreola absent. The second part of the motion, to direct staff to put the savings toward the translation program, failed 2-4, with Commissioners Cynthia Chestnut and Hayes-Santos in favor of the motion. The dissenting commissioners had indicated that they did not want to give specific directions about where staff should find the funding for the translation services.
“We Say Gaynesville”
After the vote, they moved to commission comment. Poe said he was hoping the commission could pass a motion to show support for the “We Say Gaynesville” event that happened on March 19, “particularly to protect our children in their educational setting.” The motion allowed the organizers to use the City’s logo. That motion passed unanimously.
Good point, Nathan Skop!
Nathan Skop said, “The majority of you guys are still wearing masks, you’re projecting a culture of fear and paranoia by virtue of you wearing your mask despite the President saying they’re not required. People are afraid to come down. If you guys are going to… try to limit remote participation, citing costs, take off the masks and encourage people to come down the City Hall.”
That’s it!…Nathan Skop, will you please be our Mayor?
I cannot be anymore sincere: you put in countless
Hours of public service already attending city meetings
Looking out for the city and taxpayers…you are the one!
I know you don’t want to, but you have make GNV a better place by participating in local government.
I know, if elected , you will allow the citizens to speak
And participate in their government. I’m ashamed of
Our current city commissioners. I always admired Cynthia Chesnut as a beautiful strong smart woman..I voted for her because I thought she could lead the
Other left leaning liberal dems more to the center…I was
Wrong. She wears that mask like the others. She’s
Intimidated & peer pressured by the others. Why the
Masks still? It’s because they take that free federal
Money…those American Rescue Funds…that money
Needs to have some kind of attachment to Covid to
Be spent and thus, the still wearing of the masks…
How about the $10 million in federal money for RTS?
We need $6million more for more empty buses driving
Around town with the most full buses going to UF?
There’s no need for a $4 million bus transfer on the
East side of town. The bus drivers are still driving
The buses wearing face masks. I bet that $10 million
Has some strings attached that it needs to be associated
With Covid somehow and masks if they are to get the
Money. Masks are creepy. We all know it. They’re a
Political statement. Only hypochondriacs, communists,
Social justice equity types, and criminals who want to
Hide their faces so they can’t be Identified wear them.
Enough of “the big lie”. These American Marxists
Hate the USA, they hate the US constitution. They
Want everyone on the planet to be equally miserable.
It’s all about global control, great reset, new world order,
CO2 regulation, climate change, stopping world hunger,
Equity, social justice, universal basic income, taking
Away private property rights, taking away your right
To defend yourself. These masked Fascist Nazis want
To tag you, and scan you by Wi-Fi and blue tooth, & 5g
And go cashless to 100% control you…you will not be
Able to engage in commerce if you don’t comply. It’s
The 5th industrial revolution. Google 5th industrial revolution and great reset. Now you know…they want
Quote: “mankind dancing with machinery”. They have
Quantum computers now that run at zero degrees kelvin. The quantum computer is as fast as his. Problem is…it’s the Devil.
Typo: next to last sentence…Should be: The quantum computer is as fast as GOD.
They’re too neurotic to take off their masks now, after all this time. They “wouldn’t feel comfortable.” (LOL LOL LOL)
So, are they going to wear those creepy masks forever?
When are they going to remove them?
Only when they are on camera of course.
Removing masks would be humiliation and a gross admission of defeat.
…so if you speak Spanish the commission will be happy to take your call.
I really hate demonrats.
We now live in a Communist City. These hate monger commissioners need to be ousted from office.
They shouldn’t allow the city logo to promote a
Perversion. “GAYnesville”…liberalism is a mental
Order. They want to protect children by indoctrination into LGBQTXYZ in our schools? Don’t the parents
Have a say in their children’s education? Kids need
To have a childhood and be kids and don’t need to
Be confused by people who have been wired wrong.
They should be teaching bell shaped normalcy, not
Taboo. This pedophilia is abnormal and should not
Be forced on the children in society & public schools.
I’m so happy I live in conservative Alachua! What a bunch of looney libs over there!
It’s a shame so many liberals actually place the future of their children, the society they live in, our futures, to these fear mongering idiots. I’m embarrassed for this city, ashamed they place their immoral and heathenism before the voters who they claim to represent.
The commissioners who have children I pity. One day, they will have to answer to their children – some day not long from that, they’ll have to answer to God.
This communist, authoritarian commission wants no questioning of their policies. The Democrats are unhinged.