Constitutional carry


  • Sorry Jake, I fail to see the humor in this one although I do agree.
    Unfortunately, there are many in this world who will not only disagree but tell you in the same breath that a tree cannot only feel, but should have more rights than the unborn.

  • If a child makes it thru pregnancy and into this world they still face a full on assault from day one. If the life cannot be aborted the system is hell bent on kneecapping all children via an every growing cocktail of pharmaceutical injections.

    These are not really constitutional issues nor anything that the government will correct. Government is just a reflection of the people it represents. It’s up to society as a whole to think introspectively and start speaking up and bucking what we know to be wrong. Deep down most know aborting the unborn and constant hypodermic needles are not the way forward but many remain too naive or intimidated to mount any sort of resistance on their own.

  • It’s a political cartoon, not Calvin & Hobbes. And if you don’t get it, it’s a political statement on the ability to carry a firearm on your person for self defense without the need for government approval, yet, any women can murder the unborn child. Hence, an unborn child is defenseless.

    • Didn’t see it that way. Saw it more as a child isn’t afforded the protections that some are despite many demanding rights for all. The unborn child should be entitled to rights that protect it while he/she is being carried to term.

    • Befuddled, no comment on the ratty looking black woman? Perhaps you mistook what some meant by “poor taste”…?..

  • First they said it’s for “family planning” and then marriage and the family crumbled.
    Then “for women and children” and look where they went.
    Then it’s “for the planet” and look at China’s environment…

  • Jake, as always you keep it real and relevant. If you’re not going to keep and raise the child, then keep your legs closed! Now if only it were that easy.

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