Ft. White man arrested for repeatedly stealing items from Home Depot and immediately pawning them

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Andrew Michael Fulford, 48, of Ft. White, was arrested yesterday and charged with 16 felonies after allegedly going to Home Depot on multiple days, stealing items, and taking them straight to a pawn shop.

On January 2, an employee of a local pawn shop reported to police that Fulford had been bringing in “suspicious items” lately to sell; these items were new-in-the-box items that are commonly sold by Lowe’s and Home Depot. Gainesville Police Department began investigating Fulford’s pawn records and learned that he had sold or pawned 24 different items over 14 trips to three different pawn shops since December 9. The majority of the items were new-in-the-box tools.

On January 8, after Fulford sold batteries to Midtown Pawn Shop, an employee gave pictures of the seller to a police officer, and a Home Depot Loss Prevention officer looked back on surveillance video and reportedly found Fulford stealing multiple items on multiple days. The arrest report notes that Fulford’s face is “easily seen on crystal-clear surveillance video.” The exterior cameras also showed Fulford leaving in his truck, a “very distinct looking” maroon and silver 1996 pickup truck.

On January 6, Fulford can reportedly be seen on surveillance video at Home Depot (7107 NW 4th Blvd), entering with empty hands, walking to a locked case of DeWalt batteries, and forcing his hand down into the cage, bending the metal door enough to reach in and take out a battery valued at $285. The video then showed him walking to the laser level aisle, where he picked up a Bosch laser level, then ducked down and concealed the battery and laser level in his clothing before walking out of a roll-up door in the lumber department. The total loss to Home Depot was $338.

An hour and 18 minutes later, Fulford reportedly sold both items to Gainesville Pawn Shop for $60.

On January 7, Fulford can reportedly be seen on surveillance video at the same Home Depot, entering through the contractor’s entrance with empty hands, walking to the same locked case of DeWalt batteries, and bending the door enough to remove a battery valued at $229. He then allegedly concealed the battery in his clothing and walked out of the contractor’s door.

46 minutes later, Fulford reportedly sold the battery to Midtown Pawn Shop for $70. Pawn shop employees reportedly told the officer that Fulford is a regular customer who is well known to staff.

On January 8, Home Depot surveillance video reportedly shows Fulford entering through the main entrance with empty hands, walking to the same DeWalt cage, and removing a battery valued at $285 before concealing it in his pants. He can be seen leaving through the main door when no employees were paying attention, continuing to “adjust” his clothes in the area where the battery was concealed.

He allegedly went to his truck, returned to the store, took another battery valued at $285, and went back to his truck. He then moved his truck close to the contractor’s exit door, entered through the contractor’s entrance, allegedly took a third battery valued at $285, and left through the contractor’s exit. He reportedly drove away after the third theft.

An hour and 40 minutes later, he sold three batteries for $220 to Midtown Pawn Shop.

On January 9. Fulford can reportedly be seen on video at the same Home Depot, entering through the main entrance with empty hands, walking to the same DeWalt cage, and bending the door enough to remove a battery valued at $229. The video then showed him going to a different aisle to conceal the battery in his clothing before walking out without paying.

Video outside the store shows Fulford going to his truck, a 1996 pickup truck, and then returning to the main entrance, where he allegedly took another battery, went to a different aisle to conceal it in his clothing, then walked out without paying. The total loss to Home Depot was $428.

The next day, Fulford went to Oaks South Pawn Shop and sold one of the batteries for $50.

Fulford was located and arrested on January 12. Post Miranda, he reportedly identified himself on the Home Depot surveillance video but denied having anything concealed in his pants, saying he may have had an erection. However, he reportedly did not answer when he was told that he had been caught on video concealing items in his clothing.

Fulford has been charged with four counts of dealing in stolen property, four counts of providing false information on a pawn transaction form, scheming to defraud and obtain property, and seven counts of petit theft with two prior theft convictions, all felonies. He has 18 felony convictions (none violent) and nine misdemeanor convictions (one violent), and he has served four state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2021. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $125,000 and ordered him to have no contact with the three pawn shops or any Home Depot.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • So, pawn shops don’t have to release stolen property?? IF they were out the $$ spent acquiring stolen property, they would quit doing it

    • Wendy: pawnshops actually work for law enforcement…everything they take in gets reported to law enforcement within 24 hours..the items get put on something called leads online..descriptions and serial #’s get sent in and then they have to hold the items 30 days to give law enforcement time to investigate if the items were misappropriated…Facebook marketplace, let go, offer up, & flea markets are were misappropriated property ends up. It’s a stupid criminal who goes to a pawnshop because it all goes to law enforcement…if a felon pawns a gun to a pawnshop, the felon will be caught and charges placed on them.

  • Well next week he can get a pardon and go to work in Washington. He’s got the felon as profile picture on Facebook he was probably just trying to get some money for the felon inauguration fund.

    • Yeah, he can go carry FJB’s dirty diapers, and mop up the river of tears from his ex VP Affirmative Action Alum cackling failure as they head home after 4 years of destroying America!

  • “He has 18 felony convictions (none violent) and nine misdemeanor convictions (one violent), and he has served four state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2021. ”

    Back to the Bighouse for you.

  • Can we talk about the unconscionably low amounts of money that these pawn shops are paying for items? They know these folks are desperate for money, so they are raping them blind. That industry needs to be investigated for corruption.

  • It appears loss prevention is looking at the wrong people! Watching other people, while this “thug” is taking them to the cleaners! I love it! Keep hitting them in the head! I’ll take my time in the store while they’re hovering over my shoulder just to let you stick it to those fools even more!

  • Home Depot knows they have a problem, but doesn’t employ enough workers to add eyeballs on shoplifters.

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