Gainesville man arrested after allegedly pushing woman to the ground to take her bicycle
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Shedrick Lee Brown, 64, was arrested yesterday after allegedly pushing a woman to the ground and taking her bicycle.
At about 4:06 p.m. on January 23, the victim, a 68-year-old woman, was riding her bike northbound on the sidewalk of NW 55th Street near NW 23rd Avenue when she saw Brown riding his bicycle in the other direction. She told the responding Gainesville Police Department officer that she and Brown are mutual friends of a woman who lives in the area and Brown was mad at her because of something that had happened earlier in the day.
The victim said she pulled off to the side of the sidewalk to let Brown pass, but he stopped next to her and told her to give him his bike. She said he shoved her, she and her bike fell to the ground, and the fall aggravated a previous injury to her knee.
The victim said Brown got off his bicycle, acting as if he was going to hit her again, so she ran into the road, stopped an approaching vehicle, and asked the driver to call 911 because she did not have her phone with her. Brown allegedly took her bicycle and rode north on the sidewalk.
Brown has been charged with robbery and aggravated battery on a person over 65 years of age. He is a registered sexual offender who has 12 felony convictions (two violent) and 24 misdemeanor convictions (three violent); he has served six state prison sentences, all out of Alachua County, with his most recent release in 2010. Judge Kristine Van Vorst set bail at $40,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Any man that puts his hand on a woman is a dirt bag P.O.S.!! I hope he gets worse than he deserves.
That man did not put his hands on her people needs to know facts before judging a person his past is just that his past but this write up in this paper is wrong
He is a POS registered sex offender, with six prison terms under his belt. Hopefully number seven is a 25 year one. He obviously has never learned how to live in civilized society.
His past has led him to a self destructive present and future. Not to mention those he will continue to victimize.
Guess all 36 of his priors were wrong too.
Why is this POS walking around free?
Legal system takes too long and some people don’t approve of the alternative.
You do not judge till you know facts.
I agree with your statement in general, but what “facts” are we missing here?
Is he a career criminal? Violent history? Did he push the woman to the ground? Did he serve six prison terms?
If the answers are yes, there is a lot to judge here.
This work for you? Appears he’s already been judged – numerous times.
“He is a registered sexual offender who has 12 felony convictions (two violent) and 24 misdemeanor convictions (three violent); he has served six state prison sentences, all out of Alachua County, with his most recent release in 2010.”
Maybe the other comment meant he doesn’t deserve a jar.
what happened to 3 strike yer out,
“He is a registered sexual offender who has 12 felony convictions (two violent) and 24 misdemeanor convictions (three violent); he has served six state prison sentences, all out of Alachua County”
Come on judges….when is enough….enough?
I am starting to notice a rash of strong arm robberies of people’s bikes. I wonder if the city of Gainesville and Rodney Long and do another play just like the one they did on MLK day about gun violence “who’s in the box” for some reason it didn’t stop all the crime in the GSSR. maybe they need to do another play called “Gimme that bike sucker or else”
Apparently they never get to old to commit crimes….