Gainesville man arrested after allegedly trying to grab a four-year-old child passing his house with her father
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Michael Randolph Stephens, 48, was arrested yesterday after allegedly trying to grab a four-year-old child who was passing his house with her father, trying to punch her father, and making threats against the arresting officer.
At about 6 p.m. on January 30, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to Arredondo Estates, where the child’s father said he had been walking around the block while his daughter drove her battery-powered car. He said they saw a man, later identified as Stephens, standing outside the fence of his residence, and as they traveled along the road, the man approached the father and made a threatening statement, then allegedly lunged for and tried to grab the car and the girl.
The child screamed, and as they went back to their own house, she told her father the man tried to grab her. The incident caused substantial emotional distress to the child, who believed a man she didn’t know was trying to kidnap her.
The father said the man yelled profanities at him and threw a punch at him but missed; believing he and his daughter were in danger, the father took his daughter home and called law enforcement.
The deputy went to Stephens’ residence and attempted to handcuff him, but Stephens allegedly backed away and told the deputy, “I would not do that” when the deputy tried to grab his arm. The deputy placed Stephens on the ground, where Stephens allegedly continued to tense his arms to resist being placed in handcuffs.
While the deputy was transporting Stephens to the jail, Stephens allegedly made statements such as, “I will f*** you up”; “Make sure you put your name on the paperwork; I won’t take your head off, but you deserve to have your head taken off”; and “You are fixing to pay for what you’ve done, everything that you do in the dark will come to light.”
Stephens has been charged with child abuse without great bodily harm, making threats against a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer without violence, and simple assault. He has three felony convictions (one violent) and eight misdemeanor convictions (three violent). Judge Meshon Rawls set bail at $70,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
“He has three felony convictions (one violent) and eight misdemeanor convictions (three violent).”
So he has four convictions for violence and there he was, free to grab a child and scare the living daylights out of her. He should be in prison. Period.
Prison hasn’t worked. I’m beginning to think cutting criminals’ hands off would do much more good than just prevent them from pulling triggers. He definitely wouldn’t have tried to grab someone’s child.
Aside from that, he needs to be put in the ground somewhere.
Lock him up and never let him out
Tell me you psycho without saying your psycho
“I live in Arredondo” should be a clue.
you’re probably right this guy has spent some time with FLDCF some where but were never know. AC will probably send him back to FLDCF instead of FLDOC because he hasn’t been there yet with almost 30 cases going back to 97. He will be right back out when some liberal psych dr says he’s cured all he has to do is take 1000mg of Clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, paliperidone, iloperidone 3 times a day for the rest of his life and problem solved. What could go wrong right?
I wlda whoop his white azz!!
Rawls is unreal when it comes to these low bails and RORs smfh
Another psycho groomed by our scummy public attorneys past. Send him to Puerto Rico.
Funny how yet again, these pervs are straight men, not drag queens or trans women. Hope people are paying attention and will stop this vile nonsense that anyone w/in the LGBTQ community is trying to “groom or sexualize” children. Its straight men who are doing this, its ALWAYS been straight men.
So you are trying to silence the voices of all those victims? Is this Susan Bottcher? What a cheap, tawdry person you are, never missing an opportunity to try to turn some crisis into a reason to get on your cringeworthy, three-brain-cell soapbox.
To address your “point”, clearly the number of boys molested by men is out of proportion to the percentage of the LGBT population as a whole. Have we had our trans mass-killing for this month, maybe with another manifesto? I guess it’s only the first of the month, so there’s plenty of time. People were all too willing to believe the helicopter pilot was a deranged trans woman angry about Trump. It would have made perfect sense, right? Of course it would have.
Most of the kooks in the schools wanting to push lewd books and talk in the classroom about their private sex lives are women, at least biologically.
Some of them are groomers and the others ones are mentally ill
What a ridiculous comment! “anyone w/in the LGBTQ community is trying to “groom or sexualize” children.” This man is a sex offender, not “disguised as a “woman!” Of course the ABC community is trying to change and influence anyone they can, child, teen, adult! It’s in their interest to do so, just as the Open Border Dems, and FJB, tried to buy another 4 years to “Americanize” the 15+ Million Illegal Migrants they let in during FJB and Kamala’s reign of lunacy!
Go back to your hole!
Certifiably BSC!
Susan You really can’ t tell what ‘straight people’ do in their off hours. Not everyone is open about their membership in LGBTQ. Also nothing is ALWAYS. Or EVERYONE for that matter. Give me a break.
I wonder why my comments aren’t showing up anymore?
More than one? I found one in the spam filter and approved it. The spam filter looks for the names of pharmaceutical products because so many spammers are trying to sell those products, and your post had a long list of pharmaceutical products.
thanks I was just trying to be clinical and get all the meds this guy probably has to take 3 times a day for the rest of his life so this kind of incident doesn’t happen. I guess he must have missed a dose.
Meshon gonna let this crazy F out because “technically he didn’t GET to do anything”. Why are we waiting for him to be successful??? Watch this POS