Gainesville man arrested for domestic battery and threatening to “get one of [his] shooters” to kill deputies
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Matthew Alexander Hutchinson, 20, was arrested last night after allegedly pushing a family member and then making multiple threats to kill deputies, including a threat that his “whole gang” would come after them.
At about 10:50 p.m. on January 19, Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to Hutchinson’s home, where a family member over the age of 65 said Hutchinson had pushed him.
When deputies asked Hutchinson to step outside, he reportedly invited them into his room, where he was “incomprehensible and dismissive” in response to deputies’ questions. When a deputy asked whether he had pushed family members to create space, he reportedly said he did but refused to expand on that.
Hutchinson was arrested for domestic battery and placed in a patrol vehicle. During a search incident to arrest, Hutchinson allegedly kicked his feet in an apparent attempt to obstruct the deputy’s search.
In the patrol car, Hutchinson allegedly said, “Alright, alright, I’ll kill all y’all [expletive] bro” and said he was “gonna hit yo [expletive] with a [expletive] baseball bat.” He allegedly added, “I get my whole gang on yo [expletive].”
When a deputy tried to read Hutchinson his Miranda rights, Hutchinson reportedly spoke over the deputy and refused to acknowledge that he understood his rights. He then allegedly said, “Get that light out of my face before I get one of my shooters to blast yo [expletive].” A deputy read the statement back to him as a question, and Hutchinson reportedly responded, “Yeah.”
Hutchinson has been charged with battery on a person over 65, resisting an officer without violence, and making a threat against a public servant. He has a juvenile conviction from 2015 but no adult convictions. He was arrested on two counts of domestic battery in 2023, but the charges were later dropped. Judge Tatum Davis set bail at $80,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Jermaine Herring is gonna love you little boy with that purty little mouth. (Jermaine is the guy that peeps in on guys).
He wants to be a gang banger in the street but instead he’s gonna get gang banged in the pen.
He looks like a girl. He’s going to be someone’s bïtch in prison and get rented out. He’ll be a money maker for sure.
Who in their right mind would want to get into law enforcement today?
You mean after Trumps J6 pardons?
Tell me about it.
Yeah, you must be right. No one would be so idiotic AND malicious as to pardon guys who beat up cops while breaking into our capital. I must have dreamed it.
But then again, felons gonna do felons stuff and they were beating up cops to try and keep fatso in office.
Biden pardoned his son & Fauci…
Why is that Jazzhole?
We’re out of the WHO & Paris Accord ! Hurray‼️‼️🤣…
It’s gonna be a great 4 years!😃
Put your face mask on and take one of Trumps operation warp speed mRNA shots so you don’t catch the common cold again…
Putting aside the fact that Biden’s pardons were intended to keep a felon from exacting the revenge he announced was coming – that felon would be your leader and our president – while Trump’s were just denounced by the Fraternal Order of Police, and that your ignorance of health and climate science is total and complete, please tell us what great things are going to happen over the next 4 years. Elon becomes a trillionaire? Our president sells a boat load of bibles and crypto coins?
For my part, I was more than happy that Biden cleaned up the mess Trump left us in in 2020 – you know this pattern of Democrats cleaning up GOP messes is getting old – and left the country economically in great shape for him, just as Obama did in 2016, and with declining crime rates. Let’s see if Trump can keep those trends going.
He has a juvenile conviction from 2015….so, when he was 11?
He has a juvenile conviction from 2015 – so, when he was 11? geez
A whole lot of “yo” going on but not so much sense.
Only 20, how could this have been a product of our 👹Fluoridated water community? 👺🤡💩👿
He looks like he has a bunch of turds hanging off his head.
Maybe his “gang” can come up with his bail. His mouth got him in more trouble this time than pushing someone.
This young man obviously has a mental health issue
Chris: this is the result of “it takes a village to raise a child” mentality.
girl bye. he gon get banged in da slammer yo. soon as he drop da soap. he done for😭💀. better toughen up for jail buddy.
soo you mean to tell me he was 10yrs old with his 1st conviction?
“his shooters” lmao how sad of a human what a joke the little punks are