Gainesville woman charged with trying to intentionally hit a child with her vehicle
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Sharon Denice Anderson, 63, was arrested last night and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly trying to hit a child on a bicycle with her vehicle.
At about 8:20 p.m., a Gainesville Police Department Officer responded to the 300 block of NW 8th Avenue, where the victim and three witnesses said Anderson drove off the road while trying to hit a child on a bike.
Anderson was driving on NW 8th Avenue when the victim, a juvenile riding a bicycle, violated her right of way, causing her to swerve to avoid hitting him. After that incident, she allegedly made a 180-degree turn, followed the victim, then drove onto the sidewalk toward the victim. The victim reportedly fell off his bicycle, and the vehicle stopped about two feet from where the victim landed.
A witness reported saw Anderson drive her vehicle onto the sidewalk, almost hitting the victim. The witness said the victim left the sidewalk and rode onto the grass in an attempt to avoid being hit, then jumped off his bicycle.
Two other witnesses told the officer they saw the victim cut across the road into Anderson’s path.
The officer noted that the victim “is easily identifiable as a juvenile.”
Before being detained and read her Miranda rights, Anderson reportedly said she had been driving the vehicle and made statements indicating that she knew the victim was a juvenile. She reportedly said she needed to “discipline” the juvenile.
Post Miranda, Anderson reportedly did not wish to answer questions.
Anderson has one felony conviction (one violent) for battery on a law enforcement officer in 1987 and one misdemeanor conviction (non-violent). Judge Thomas Jaworski ordered her released on her own recognizance.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Give her another chance to succeed.
Are you nuts? Lock her crazy ass up and take away her DL! She used her vehicle as a deadly weapon and almost vindictively ran him over!
ROR! Is this judge kidding? Tried to mow down a kid on a bicycle and he released her?
Of course 🤷♀️
What is wrong with this judge? Remember that when he/she comes up on ballot.
Tommy boy is retiring. He has a case of Biden disease.
Not excusing the lady’s going after the kid. But was the cyclist one of the kids that rides wheelies down the middle of the road on main traffic streets? I expect to read about a tragedy involving one of them any day.
Nope, it was a white kid
Jimmy Wilson
It should not matter the race of the child this bitch should have been kept in jail sounds like she has anger problems I ride a bike it’s easy to swerve it also I am 67 and white I can guarantee you had it been me she did that to it would have been a different outcome
GH. Jimmy’s reference I’m sure was related to the question asked about the guy doing wheelies down the middle of the street who happens to not be white.
She wanted to “ discipline ” the child on the bicycle with her car by trying to run him over⁉️ This crazy lady should be locked up‼️
They should take away her driver license forever‼️
What a crazy person‼️‼️
Glad the kid didn’t get killed‼️‼️‼️
She could have killed him‼️‼️‼️
This crazy person was convicted of violent battery on a law enforcement officer in 1987?
Lock her sorry ass up‼️
Hi Steve. I’m the victim’s mom. He was riding his bike home after work. He works with my husband and me at the tattoo shop we own on N. Main St. He was on the sidewalk. Then, he went to cross in the cross walk turning left back onto the sidewalk after he crossed.
We live about a mile from our shop. I felt safe letting him ride his bike home so he could get home early enough to eat, and get to bed as he goes to school in the morning.
The woman almost hit him. She yelled at him. He told her to “Shut the F*ck up” which triggered her into a rage where she u turned and chased him down.
She is a monster
Glad none of you were the judge. I did read there were witnesses that stated the alleged victim cut across in front of her. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Shame on all of you. Read the article.
Really? How about the witness testimony that she TURNED AROUND AND DROVE ONTO THE SIDEWALK to try to hit him? If she had accidentally hit him while he was cutting across the road, your argument might hold water. But it doesn’t. “Read the article.”
It doesn’t matter. She went back and tried to run him over….
I’m the boy’s mother. Things they left out in the article: He was in the crosswalk, which was witnessed by the officer. When the officer called me, that was the second thing he said after, “Your son is okay, and not in trouble. He was crossing properly in the crosswalk.” They left out why the woman raged on him. She yelled at my son, who yelled at her with “colorful language”. (Basically said, “Shut the F*ck up. I was in the crosswalk”) His crossing timing may have been poor. His cussing at the woman wasn’t okay, either. I am a capable mother who does discipline my son when he’s in the wrong. I don’t discipline other people’s kids, and definitely not with a car. She was VERY wrong for running my son down with her car and trying to hit him. This isn’t “allegedly”. This happened. It’s on camera. A GPD witnessed the entire thing, as did multiple other people.
I’m a VERY easy woman to talk to when it comes to my son. I understand he can be fiesty. I’m also pretty well known. She could have found out who I was pretty easily, and come to talk with me about this , and I would have apologised and handled it, mother to mother. Instead, she chose to road rage on a teenager. That in itself is unacceptable.
The arrest report differs from your account in several ways (this is not intended as a criticism of the officer or you – it’s just that two accounts of the same incident are rarely identical). There is no mention of a crosswalk or an officer witness in the description of the incident. The arrest report says the victim violated the driver’s right of way. You may want to look up and read the arrest report.
He violated her right of way by not seeing her when she was coming. As I said, his cross timing was poor judgement. He also didn’t tap the button to put the flashing light gets on for drivers to stop. It was dusk, which made it hard for him to be seen.
Either way, running him down with her car solely because he cussed at her is wholly unacceptable. She didn’t run him down for his poor judgement. She lost it when he swore at her. The article and police report left that out.
Also, the officer who witnessed the incident was off duty as he was just getting to work to clock in. He was still in his street clothes and personal vehicle when my husband and I arrived a few minutes later.
Madea Goes To Jail and Gets ROR’D.
Maybe the City will hire her to assist with keeping traffic lanes clear of panhandlers. They probably won’t even require a background check.
What they’re doing obviously isn’t working.
Either there things the citizens aren’t being told about with these insane bails, or Jaworski doesn’t care about violent crimes.
She must be the one person in the village that doesn’t want to raise the kids.
I’m Sylvan’s mom. (The victim) This situation was absolutely insane. My son was wrong for swearing at the woman after she almost hit him. Maybe he made a poor timing chose of when to cross. He was in the crosswalk, which was witnessed by the police officer who say the entire thing happen. He crossed in the crosswalk in front of the arcade to the sidewalk on the other side. His potty mouth or poor crossing timing isn’t an excuse for this woman to run a fourteen year old boy on a bicycle down with the intention of hitting him with her car.
Kim, your son didn’t do anything wrong. This person is a known crazy person and doesn’t get along with others….good thing she was caught and didn’t kill him when she came back to “discipline” him.
She should have her driver license revoked for using her car as a deadly weapon.
I hope she does, and we will be at every court date from here on in.
Sadly, your son has had some education with the fact that the world is full of people who are ready to do life altering violence to others at the slightest provocation. Its also sad that you now have to take time from your affairs to deal with this person and the court system.
Thankfully she was unable to do him harm. Speaking as a cyclist, we’re easy targets for any Bozo.
To protect the public: the judge should revoke her license so this maniac doesn’t do this again with here rage.
Next time she may crash through a crowd of people at the arts festival or something.
If the judge allows her to walk free & drive, the blood will be on his hands.
Justice needs to be served.
Yes. Take away here drivers license and she can take the city bus, walk, or ride a bicycle.
We have bike lanes on every street.
RTS also needs more riders because of the UF thing.
More people need to walk & get exercise and it will also lower our carbon footprint.
When you use a vehicle as a deadly weapon in a crime, you lose your right to drive.
We don’t need her being a repeat offender using her car as a deadly weapon.
Next time she gets behind the wheel, the next person she may kill, might be YOU or your loved ones.
Get her off the road so she never uses a vehicle as a deadly weapon ever again!
@Sherman: except taking her license won’t bother her in the least, many of these folks drive without a license every day. Take a look at Mug Shots and I bet driving without a DL people are there. This insane woman needs to be put away where she can’t harm others.
I’m so glad the poor little boy wasn’t hurt. One expects someone old enough to drive a car to have better judgement than a little kid on a bike.
Steely : This could have been intentional vehicular homicide…she knew what she was doing.
If she gets caught driving without a license, they will lock her up again & longer.
The kid escaped with his life from this lunatic….the next person may not be so lucky!
The law can only do so much and it needs to do what it can to protect the public.
I thought Madea was retired.
She’s hell on wheels
Anderson has one felony conviction (one violent) for battery on a law enforcement officer in 1987 and one misdemeanor conviction (non-violent). Judge Thomas Jaworski ordered her released on her own recognizance
This judge needs to go. Vote him out, he consistently lets violent offenders out on low or no bail.
Is it just me or does this or does this Waco Saco look proud , smirchy , and evidently above Law and Order. Gainesville continues to reach new lows by lowering the bars of justice .
INTERESTING FOR SURE… The article, and the statement that was on video given by a witness is giving slightly different stories… that’s concerning. Neither party is justified in actions. The boy should be well verse in traffic/pedestrian safety. and the driver could have given more grace for the simple fact that it was a kid. However, Im pretty certain that the child had an interesting choice of words to use at her to make her want to turn around.