Governor Ron DeSantis announces the successful launch of two cargo planes with donated supplies to Israel

Press release from the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced that the Florida Division of Emergency Management (Division) has deployed two cargo planes, holding 85 pallets of donated supplies, which will reach Israel tomorrow. Items on the planes include medical supplies, clothing items, hygiene products, and children’s toys.
“With the lack of leadership in Washington, we are stepping up to help our allies in Israel who are in need of supplies and our support,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “As we continue to bring back Americans who were stranded in Israel when the war began, we will also keep sending the necessary health care supplies for Israel to care for those who have been injured.”
“Thanks to the decisive action of Governor DeSantis, the Division was able to quickly coordinate with our Israeli partners and compile needed supplies,” said Division Executive Director Kevin Guthrie. “After working with the Israeli Consulate, medical partners, and hospitals in Israel, the Division identified what items were most in need to reduce inundation and increase efficiency.”
A total of 85 pallets of supplies identified as critically needed by hospitals based in Israel were packed and prepared for shipping in less than five days. Items included:
- 735 bandages
- Nearly 5,000 hospital gowns
- 84 IV kits
- More than 30,000 needles
- More than 30,000 syringes
- 57 ventilators
- More than 10,000 boxes of surgical gloves
In conjunction with medical supplies, comfort items were also included. These items included:
- More than 1,000 children’s toys
- More than 300 sleeping bags
- More than 1,000 hygiene products
- More than 2,000 articles of clothing
The Division was joined by the Israeli Consul General Maor Elbaz-Starinsky to observe the loading and departure of the cargo. The Division continues to maintain open lines of communication between additional State agencies and Israeli partners to identify needs and future expectations as the conflict develops.
What about the medicine for the needles/syringes?
Emergency management should also release funds for Florida’s residents facing housing emergencies.
The governor wants to appear “Presidential” on a international stage, while so many things are lacking at home.
What gives Desantis the right to send OUR state medical supplies that WE paid for to Israel — one of the richest countries in the World who can afford to pay for their own medical supplies ?
Key word “donated”.
There is no time for political BS; they need it now, and this man understands how to get it done.
““With the lack of leadership in Washington, we are stepping up to help our allies in Israel who are in need of supplies and our support,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.”
Just go away you lying creep.
Everything is a campaign stunt for him.
Why the hate towards DeSantis? Do you believe the idiot Gillum….you know…the guy caught with the drugs and the male prostitute…that you voted for would be doing a better job. DeSantis is the grown-up in the room. I love our Gov.!
DeSantis a punk who is using his office to get to a more powerful one.
Governors are supposed to do their best to serve the people of the state, and when he is constantly picking fights to advance his career against those who have a solid record of being there for Floridians, including funding many of the projects DeSantis likes to take credit for and being there over and over again when the state has been hit with hurricanes or other catastrophes like the building failure in Surfside, he is working against the state and the people.
Do your good works – not the bad ones like tricking people with kids to go to places where no one is prepared for them – and take the credit. But attacking the President who is dealing with a much bigger picture and demands then whatever cherry picked issues the governor decides to help on is BS, unpatriotic, and seeks to divide what is otherwise and should be, a unified response to the outrage perpetrated in Israel. If he wants to get involved in the national response in a way truly helpful, maybe he should be lecturing his GOP buddies in the US House to get it together so they can pitch in.
So disappointing that he just can’t do a kind thing without getting snarky and diminish the roles that the President, Secretary of State and General Austin have done. He acts as though the world would never go on unless he is front and center. We need more aware and empathetic people than he. We are still the United States of America.