GPD looking for suspect in Sorority Row burglary
January 4, 2023

Press release from Gainesville Police Department
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is searching for a suspect in a burglary at 11:40 p.m. on January 2 in the 1200 block of SW 9th Avenue.
The surveillance video can be viewed here.
If you have any information about the suspect, please contact Detective Barnes at 352-642-6121.
No comments? Whenever there’s a black person involved, there are comments made.
Ah…I found Betty under 2A. See below: troll
2 of 3
trolled; trolling; trolls
transitive verb
: to fish for by trolling
: to fish by trolling in
troll lakes
: to pull through the water in trolling
troll a lure
: to search in or at
trolls flea markets for bargains
also : PROWL
troll nightclubs
: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content
… trolls engage in the most outrageous and offensive behaviors possible—all the better to troll you with.
—Whitney Phillips
Hey Betty- maybe if certain stereotypes weren’t being so constantly lived up to, perhaps the comments you refer to wouldn’t be so constant either.
Ever think about that?!
Was he on his way to “GRACEland”?
Figures it’s an Eagles fan….shoulda known.