Man arrested for making death threat that caused Josh Richards to cancel UF appearance in June
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Ryan Christopher Marin, 19, was arrested Friday and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill after allegedly posting an image on Instagram on June 15 depicting himself as a fictional anime character pointing a gun at TikTok star Josh Richards, with Richards bleeding from bullet holes.
According to the sworn complaint, Marin portrays himself on Instagram as the fictional anime character Kaworu Nagisa, and the Instagram post was done “in a manner in which it may be viewed by another person as a threat to kill.” The sworn complaint says that the threat caused Richards to be “in such fear for his life that it was one of the deciding factors for canceling his event at UF.” The event was rescheduled to September 8.
A sworn complaint was filed in the case on July 8, and Marin retained private counsel on July 28. Formal charges were filed on November 2, and a warrant was issued on November 8. Marin has posted bail of $5,000, set by Judge James Colaw.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
What a joke. This clearly doesn’t rise to the level of an actual threat. Typical of our local police to waste time and money on such things.
Not only did he not follow through with murdering Josh on 9/8, but Josh wasn’t actually in fear enough to avoid visiting UF, only afraid enough to delay the appearance. What was he expected to do anyway, shoot the cringetocker on UF property, doesn’t he know that’s a gun free zone!?
What did the TikToker end up doing that night instead of coming to UF? That could be an important part of the defense.
Aren’t TikTok stars attention-seeking drama queens? Why was he coming to speak at UF in the first place? It’s like getting a streetwalker from SW 13th Street to speak.
Snowflakes ❄️.
what is this “TikTok” you speak of?
Why is such great hair wasted on men?
The article above is inaccurate. Marin was charged with Fss 836.10 written threats to injure or kill which can be viewed by another, NOT agg. assault with a deadly weapon. Big difference.
Eventually the thought police will access your head and conduct a review. You may be charged if you even think about harming someone. Welcome to the matrix!
Go look at the court records. The written threat charge was dropped; formal charges were filed on the aggravated assault charge.