Man on probation and co-defendant arrested as suspects in multiple January vehicle burglaries in neighborhoods near Mile Run, Southfork Oaks, and Campus Circle Apartments

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Michael Jaylun Irving, 20, and Donteau Ontrais Jenkins, 19, have been arrested in connection with 27 car burglaries in Mile Run, Eagle Trace, Madison Pointe, and another unnamed neighborhood in the area and two more burglaries in Southfork Oaks and Hailey Gardens on the morning of January 14. Jenkins is also a suspect in another sixteen burglaries on January 17 at Campus Circle Apartments and Century Town Center Apartments.

The first set of burglaries, all but one of which occurred overnight between January 13 and 14, were all reported on January 14. Surveillance video in the affected neighborhoods showed a light-colored sedan that could have been a Ford Crown Victoria, Mercury Grand Marquis, or Lincoln Town Car. Surveillance video also showed three males in hoodies burglarizing vehicles. Windows were broken on at least 16 vehicles, and at least two vehicles (a Cadillac CT5 and a Dodge Ram pickup) showed evidence that a punch tool was used multiple times in a failed attempt to break a window. One door frame was also reportedly damaged by an apparent pry bar.

A witness in Madison Pointe reported seeing three black males in hoodies and gloves when she walked her dog at 4:30 a.m.

Thefts from the vehicles included a firearm, a box of ammunition, two purses, a fanny pack, a shoulder bag, two wallets, cash, a pocket knife, a battery, an Apple Watch, documents, and a gym bag with clothing and shoes.

A Gainesville Police Department detective reviewed 70 possible vehicles matching the description of the sedan and identified a silver 2001 Mercury Grand Marquis that was registered to a relative of Jenkins and was known to be driven by Jenkins.

On January 17, another 16 vehicle burglaries were reported in Campus Circle Apartments and Century Town Center apartments. Fifteen vehicles’ windows were smashed, and a wallet, credit cards, cash, and a backpack containing a laptop (later recovered) were stolen.

At 6:30 a.m. on January 17, a resident of Wynwood Apartments reported that a car alarm went off, so he looked out his window and saw someone in a hoodie inside his vehicle. He said he chased the suspect, who got into a black sedan and fled. He reported that two backpacks containing sports equipment were stolen from his vehicle.

Surveillance video from the January 17 burglaries showed a dark-colored Chevrolet Malibu that was later identified as a car used by a woman Jenkins had dated.

A court order for Jenkins’ phone records reportedly showed that he was in the area of all the burglaries on the mornings of January 14 and January 17. Jenkins’ phone records also reportedly showed calls to and from Irving’s phone number.

A court order for Irving’s phone records reportedly showed that he was with Jenkins on the morning of January 14 but was at his home during the January 17 burglaries.

Irving was arrested in October 2023 for carrying a stolen firearm while he was on pre-trial release for domestic battery. He entered a plea of nolo contendere in both cases in December 2023 and was sentenced to two years of probation in the stolen firearm case and $760 in fees and court costs in the domestic battery case (he has not yet paid anything toward these fees and costs); adjudication of guilt was withheld in both cases. He also has a juvenile conviction.

Irving was only charged with one of the burglary cases, and Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $50,000. The prosecution filed notice of intent to filed a motion for pre-trial detention within three days on February 23, but the subsequent motion has not been filed; however, Irving is being held without bond for violation of probation. Irving is also facing 24 sworn complaints for burglary and theft, but he has not been booked on those charges.

Jenkins was also only charged in one case; he has juvenile convictions between 2018 and 2020 but no adult convictions. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $20,000, and Jenkins was released after posting bail. Jenkins is also facing 42 sworn complaints for burglary and theft but has not been booked on those charges.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Pretrial release…..probation….parole. It’s all the same…turn them loose and let them do it again. Ridiculous.

  • Pretrial release…..probation….parole. It’s all the same…turn them loose and let them do it again. Ridiculous.

    • He’s got the neck tattoo! That was gods’ gift so he could be identified EZ! what a dumbass!!

  • Should have just protected property and shot them.
    Saved a lot of unnecessary expenses to taxpayers.

  • Wonder if they were paying child support? Priorities. Before there’s more, keep ‘em locked up longer, maybe?

  • Loaded gun in car? Ammo in car? Cars unlocked? Might as well leave your stuff on the hood of the car.
    $20 large bail, the kid post $2000 and walks out of jail. Who got him out, his auntie?
    8th circuit is totally messed up with liberal judges.

  • Right on BB. The State needs to step up and become involved in the Alachua County Judiciary
    How depressing it must be for our excellent Law Enforcement agencies.

  • Incarceration seems no deterrent. Caning is a widely used form of corporal punishment in Singapore…..seems to work….why not?

    • I personally like the idea of placing them in stocks in Bo Diddley plaza until they feel totally disrespected.

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