Man who threatened Mayor Ward and vandalized City Hall sentenced to 9 months in jail and 3 years of probation

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – James Alexander Dewar, 42, has been sentenced to nine months in jail, followed by three years of probation, after entering a plea of nolo contendere to threatening a public servant and three counts of property damage over $1,000.

Dewar was arrested on August 23, 2024, after Gainesville Police Department detectives identified him as the suspect in several incidents at City Hall in March 2024. On three different dates, rocks or other objects were thrown through glass doors or windows at City Hall, and several had notes attached. The last incident involved rocks thrown into Mayor Harvey Ward’s office, along with a long note that concluded, “Don’t make me turn this place into the Alfred P Murrah building.”

Dewar did not post bail and has remained in the Alachua County Jail since his arrest. He entered pleas of nolo contendere to all four felony charges on January 14; according to the plea agreement, the charges carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in state prison.

Judge David Kreider adjudicated Dewar guilty and sentenced him to 270 days in jail with credit for 235 days served, followed by three years of probation. He will be released to inpatient mental health treatment and must successfully complete that program as part of his probation. He must make restitution of $15,169 to the City by the end of the probation term and cannot have any contact with the City Hall property during his probation.

  • Fun Fact , this jesus loving Criminal cant be born again , Its Not A Thing . Unless you swim back up yo momma’s vaginal canal and come back out . Keep it Real . Also ghosts , bigfoot , chupacabras , & witches also are not real . Also , earth is round you trumpanzees .

    • But most of us are smart and intelligent enough to know how to use proper grammer and punctuation.

    • Yeah. Yall have shown how much you love criminals, as long as the victim’s are people you don’t like.

  • That’s the type of sentence a person receives when committing a crime against the protected class.
    He won’t have to worry about contact with City Hall property, the Gestapo usually keep the area clean of the trash – the people, not the litter.

  • The note he left in city hall, “You won’t listen to our words, so we now speak in the language of our January 6th brothers and sisters.” That’s an interesting take.

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