March 28 Alachua County Commission Regular Meeting

Press release from Alachua County

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Alachua County Commission will conduct its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). The meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. The evening portion of the meeting is canceled.

Masks for vulnerable citizens are strongly recommended. The public may view the meeting on Cox Channel 12 and the County’s Video on Demand website.

During the Regular Meeting, the public can make comments at the meeting in person or call in during the 12 p.m. (noon) comment period. Callers will have three minutes to comment on anything not on the agenda and three minutes to discuss anything on the agenda. Callers can choose either or both. Those commenting on items on the agenda will not be allowed to comment again on agenda items if attending the meeting in person later in the day. The call-in number is 1-929-205-6099. When prompted, enter meeting ID 873 5974 1977. Callers can hear the meeting while on hold and can use the system to listen. If you wish to comment, Raise Your Hand by dialing *9 (star nine). Once you are called on by the last four digits of your phone number, Unmute Your Phone by dialing *6 (star six).

Regular Meeting items of interest:

  • Approval of a Proclamation declaring April 15 through 22 as “International Dark-Sky Week” in Alachua County Florida
  • Approval of a Proclamation declaring March 18, 2023, as “Gideon Day” in Alachua County, Florida
  • Approval of a Proclamation declaring March 20 through 26, 2023, as “National Safe Place Week” in Alachua County Florida
  • Advisory Board update – Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC)
  • Options for providing public access to Alachua County Conservation Lands which lack public road frontage.
  • Lake Santa Fe – Dinh Option Contract to Purchase Real Property
  • Lochloosa Slough Flatwoods – Colasante Option Contract to Purchase Real Property
  • U.S. Dept. of the Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance 2 (ERA2) Program Reallocated Funds Round 2 Awarded and ERA2 update
  • Local (50/50) matching funds related to three Resiliency Florida Grant Program projects that may be awarded by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).
  • Public Hearing to establish maximum towing rates for unincorporated Alachua County
  • Z22-000011: Public hearing to consider a small-scale map amendment from Low Density Residential (1 to 4 dwelling units/acre) to Office/Residential on tax parcel numbers 06121-000-000, 06121-004-000, 06121-005-000 and 06121-006-000 (approx. 3.34 acres) located at 3500 N.W. 43rd St. (Legislative)
  • Z22-000012: Public hearing to consider a request to rezone from the R-1a (single-family residential) to the RP (residential/professional) zoning district on parcel 06121-004-000, (approx.1.34 acres) located at 4475 N.W. 46th Ave. (Quasi-judicial)
  • Z23-000001: Public hearing to consider a special use permit for the NexTower Personal Wireless Services Facility (PWSF) on a portion of parcel 07770-000-000 (approx. 0.23 acres) located on N. County Rd. 225. (Quasi-judicial)
  • Cottage Neighborhoods: A Public Hearing to consider amendments to Section 407, Article XVI of the Unified Land Development Code (Cottage Neighborhoods)

Citizens are encouraged to stay informed by following the County on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribing to the County’s Newsletter/Press Release group.
