
New RTS free-fare transit program begins today for riders 18 and younger, 65 and older

Press release from City of Gainesville

Beginning today, Oct. 1, individuals 18 years of age and younger, as well as those 65 and older, are eligible to ride the City of Gainesville’s Regional Transit System (RTS) for free. 

Last month, both the Gainesville City Commission and Alachua County Commission approved an agreement to jointly fund a new, one-year RTS pilot program. The program provides age-based free fare transit services through Sept. 30, 2022. (Gator Aider transit – between various park-and-ride locations and Ben Hill Griffin Stadium during football season – is not included in the new program.) 

As part of its strategic plan, the City is committed to equity and inclusion to services necessary for daily living, and to preserving Gainesville as a great place for neighbors to live and thrive. 
