Newberry man charged with rape


NEWBERRY, Fla. – Jonathan Wallace Hinson, 37, was arrested yesterday and charged with two counts of sexual assault on a girl under the age of 18.

The alleged sexual assaults happened during the past week; Hinson reportedly told the victim that he was attracted to her and wanted to have sex with her and that he knew it was wrong.

Post Miranda, Hinson denied that anything sexual had happened between him and the victim and that he would not do anything like that because she is a minor.

Hinson has several misdemeanor convictions (one violent); bail information is unavailable on weekends.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Go straight to prison not jail give the POS life and a tattoo that says I mess with an under age child put him in gen pop let the prison system take over his cute little self will be someone’s bitch by his first day

    • “Gen pop”? You’ve seen too many movies. And it sounds like you’re pro-rape if the target is someone who’s committed rape?

      • General population not protected custody where all sex offenders are housed to protect them in case you’re not aware sex with under age children is looked down on in prison they tend to have a rough life
        As far a pro rape if your messing with children you deserve what ever happens to you

        • Yeah, I know what “gen pop” means, but no one talks like that. Please, tell me about your experience inside prison.
          And you’re encouraging a rapist to rape a rapist. So, it’s justified in some cases is what you’re saying?

  • These creeps can’t be corrected or reformed. Send them to an island prison with nobody else under age there.

  • If it’s substantiated by true facts and not just an angry minor I would say the meat processing facility won’t be ready in time.
    Until then, we don’t know.

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