One man killed in Newberry Road shooting

File photo

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – One man is dead after a shooting in the 3900 block of Newberry Road this afternoon.

According to a Gainesville Police Department spokesman, one man was shot when two groups of people clashed in the area at about 2:08 p.m. Family members transported the victim to a hospital, where he was pronounced deceased.

This investigation is ongoing.

  • What are the odds that this is connected to the two people shot downtown at 3am?

  • Consequences. Without consequences, these shootings will continue, and our mayor and his cabal aren’t interested in solving the. They like virtue signalling but no action. Sad.

  • I was here on Newberry this afternoon when this must have been going on. Scary.

  • 🛑👀 East Gainesville meets West Gainesville, Let’s see how this Hypocrisy from this city Plays Out 👀🛑

    • And in the meantime, we’re threatening the magnet programs and swapping kids from one side to the other. More pawns.

  • Most Police Agencies have boards that say ” how many days since last shooting.”. In GUNSVILLE ours say “how many hours since last shooting”.

    • The mayor and city council run a democratic city for all the woke voters who put them in office just like the other run down lawless democrat cities

  • I guess that 3900 Newberry Road is Daily’s Used-to-be-Shell. The file photo helps a lot, not. Anyway, not the first shooting there.

  • There shouldn’t be a problem if they keep killing each other off. I call it crime prevention. Oh, I think Boosie Badass was down town last night.

      • It’s strange how supposed family members who should be reeling from the sudden loss of their beloved and taking care of their family in sudden mourning have time to surf around and post comments on the internet. It’s not the first time it’s happened on this site that someone anonymously claims to be a close relative of the deceased in order to shame some commenter.

      • I’m so sorry for your families loss!!… I overstand whole heartedly I loss my baby at the American legion hall at that party I don’t wish this kinda pain on anyone may God give his parents peace and comfort

      • He’s not sick at all and he’s right. It’s the same old group and if your nephew is one of them he’s a thug and a gangster and the world could do without him.

    • If only that’s how it worked. Chicago has an endless supply of idiots with guns. One death and three more pop up ready to shoot guns sideways.

      • Perhaps when enough east side kids are killed,
        local community citizens will rise up & remove their known thugs by any possible means. GPD and city hall only cleanup after the fact nowdays.

  • What the hell is going on in this country?? There’s a culture within our society that is raising their children to think that the way to solve disputes is with guns!!

    • Gun’s don’t kill people, they are inanimate objects, until someone full of fear or hate picks them up and aims them at someone and pulls the trigger. If no gun, then they will find a knife ore baseball bat, or, a hammer, maybe use there bare hands, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.

    • That culture is not ‘raising their children’….Hip-Hop is educating them in violence and misogyny while the Government plays Daddy and supplies the basics. It is a horror story. They are left frustrated, angry and without hope.

  • “The teenagers were initially killing each other having funerals for young people where they get mad at little or nothing and have access to a gun and shoot not knowing the bullet will come back and these could be friends,” Yvonne Hayes Hinson, state representative, shared

    • I hope this law did not pass with sanctions against parents. Many are 1 parent households and have 2 jobs. They Need to Sleep Sometime.

      Daycare is a luxury for an 11 year old.

      These kids are going to sneak out when the parent’s asleep or go when the parent is working.

      If you’re at your wits end, you can’t give those kids back to the state. It’s a felony.

      No kid left behind did not help these issues. It put things on a fast track.

      Revamp the school system rules and student handbooks to back what they were at as far back as the 80’s.

      Quit giving kids “quality” points. That’s B.S.

      If they fail, they fail. Give teachers some authority back.

      Pay teachers extra to stay late and tutor kids on what they don’t understand. Yes, offer high schoolers snacks too.

      I don’t know if Disney still offers this, but there were some clubs (they weren’t all for rich or smart kids) that schools would have/could get that would give the members a free trip to Disney. Usually 3 days.

      Teachers having to deal with jerks, with no accountability from them, their parents, or the administrators, get disillusioned, stop caring, and leave the profession.

  • No it’s really so sad is people have gotten so used to losing their tempers and not taking an L with an ass whooping shaking hands calling it a day and blowing it off it’s just sad that people hold grudges against each other everybody is going to put their Bibles away and their families are so disoriented it’s just crazy

  • Everything that is happening was 100% predictable. Soft on crime policies pushed by City leaders, homeless free for all shelters, and anti police City Commission led by Emperor Poe and Co. But at least he and his ilk feel good about themselves.

  • Yo Desmon! Hey Harvey!
    How’s that gun violence summit circle-jerk panning out so far?!

    • Not good at all because they don’t know what’s going on in these streets with these young people but the kids do and they’re not saying anything to the parents or schools or the schools know but not informing the parents of what is really going on in these schools and it’s spewing over into the streets so it really starts at home with parents speaking with their kids getting into their business I wish o could have done better with knowing whom my child was hanging with but they still keep secrets amongst each other!!!. Because snitches get stitches

  • Back in the day we didn’t pick up guns to solve our problems man to be honest I’m afraid for my kids in Gainesville but I’ll rather mine be caught with one then without but one thing I can say about my kids they know when to pull theirs when u hear mention of the other person about to get one or when u feel your life is in danger other then that my kids know how to fight and will bump before they pull…. People don’t teach there kids anymore bout guns death or jail and mine say they to pretty and handsome to sit in someone’s jail house so they be ready to bump and call it a day and be done!!!!

    • Life in Gainesville has come down to a Darwnian wild west view of survival… It is 2023 and this is where we are as a society…just fantastic.

  • I hate to be sarcastic but “The gun is the problem”. “It is Whitey”. “It’s no jobs”. “It’s climate change”. And the blaming goes on until the people who make excuses for this type of behavior Look in the Mirror. You are the problem. Lack of family, lack of self control taught at early age. No discipline and if there is it is violent. No morality, no respect for others. “Crap Music” blasting with lyrics that would make a sailor blush. I see no demostrations so I guess it is not racial or police shooting.

  • You need to learn the geography of the county. The listed incident is in the city of Gainesville. The road name is Newberry Road.

    It’s a shame that everyone wants to blame this on the government. Put the blame where it lies. With the criminals who were not properly raised by their parents.

  • This happened on Newberry Road in Gainesville!!!!!! Twice you commented on being in the city of Newberry!!!!!

  • That is most sad, lives have been changed, and people will suffer for the rest of their lives, in remembering. straight is the way, and, narrow is the path, and few will enter therein.

  • The answer starts at home, with a loving caring Parent having an open Bible in their Lap. Talking to their YOUNG children about the way To JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR.

  • A person is gone from this Earth, and yet people just take this opportunity to project their own biases, ignorance and religion.

  • Apparently the shoot-outs from east G’ville are migrating west. When the business owners and tax payers start bitchin to city hall, watch things heat up.’Lonnie, get your people out there and stop this foolishness. It’s an election year.’

    • He doesn’t have enough people to put out there at any given time- that’s the problem.
      Lauren Poe & the previous commission hosed GPD on their contract back in September ‘17, which caused a mass exodus of officers & a staffing crisis. They never recovered. Then the commissioners since haven’t supported GPD. They still to this day have serious hiring & retention problems.

    • My child was a victim to gun violence and he was only 13 so of course I’m going to have a say in this matter!!…. I will continue to speak from the mountain top if it could save the life of another child!!…

      • That is such a terrible thing to have experienced. If you could have the opportunity to “speak from the mountain top”, for example, you were asked to help start a local, statewide or national movement to stop this kind of violence, what would your message be to everyone?

  • The way things have changed now everytime one of my son’s are out I get a knot in my stomach

  • It’s time for our leaders make immediate changes to GPD. Allow them to do their job in protecting citizens. Judges need to get serious with bail and keep these criminals in jail. Deal with Grace Marketplace and clean up the streets. The panhandling is out of control.
    Wait until the whole story comes out on this shooting. There has been such an increase in gun violence in Gainesville. How about a study on that and how these crimes are dealt with?

  • It’s this crap that made me leave my hometown. It’s not really Gainesville anymore thanks to all idiots running Gainesville now.

  • Why has there been no arrest????!! This ain’t no monopoly game! Do your job. Arrest the perp… you know who it is!!!

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