Project YouthBuild awarded Rotary Clubs of Gainesville Foundation 2024 Wild Game Feast Grant

Press release from Project YouthBuild
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Project YouthBuild is the proud recipient of the Rotary Clubs of Gainesville Foundation’s 2024 Wild Game Feast Grant. The $100,000.00 grant award will be used to construct additional classroom and training space at Project YouthBuild’s campus. Mr. Rory Causseaux, 2024 Feastmaster, recently presented the grant award check to Project YouthBuild at an event thanking Wild Game Feast sponsors and volunteers.
“On behalf of everyone at Project YouthBuild, I would like to thank the Rotary Clubs of Gainesville Foundation for their incredibly generous donation,” said Jonathan Leslie, Project YouthBuild Executive Director. “With the support of the Foundation, we will be able to expand our mission of building brighter futures for young people in Alachua County.”
This was the 39th anniversary of the Rotary’s Wild Game Feast, and they have raised over $3,275,000 for local charitable organizations. The event was attended by over 1,600 people this year.
“I’m just excited about being a part of Rotary and representing the Rotary Wild Game Feast, which places more than $100,000 each year into the community through our local non-profit organizations to do good in the community. This year’s recipient, Project YouthBuild, was selected by the Board from over 30 worthy grant applications,” said Rory Causseaux. “We felt Project YouthBuild stood out for its mission to help our youth. The sponsors and attendees of the Wild Game Feast fuel the volunteer efforts of Rotarians to fund causes like Project YouthBuild. It is a great partnership! We look forward to their new facilities made possible by this grant and more importantly, the lives that will be changed in that place.”
“We truly appreciate all the Rotary members, local business sponsors, and volunteers who make this event possible,“ said Leslie. “We realize it’s a huge undertaking and want them to know they are making a difference in their community.”
Established in 2009 and funded through a grant directly from the U.S. Department of Labor, Project YouthBuild is a 9-month educational, occupational, pre-apprenticeship, and leadership program for young people ages 16 – 24 who have a low-income and have dropped out of school. While enrolled in Project YouthBuild, young people have the opportunity to earn their high school diploma, nationally recognized construction and healthcare credentials, and an education award to be used for post- secondary education or trades school. Young people also participate in a rigorous leadership program helping prepare them for civic engagement and employment. Lastly, young people spend nearly half of their time completing hands-on training renovating affordable housing in the local community.