Road and Traffic Impacts for January 27-February 3, 2023

Press release from City of Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Below are the updated City of Gainesville traffic impacts scheduled for January 27-February 3, 2023. 

New Notices

Clark Butler Blvd. and SW 43rd St.: Roadway reconstruction work on Clark Butler Boulevard from Southwest 42nd Street to Southwest 43rd Street, and roadway reconstruction work on Southwest 43rd Street from Clark Butler Blvd to Southwest 24th Avenue will be performed under a complete roadway closure. This closure will remain in place from Feb. 1, through July 31, 2023.

Traffic will be detoured via Southwest 24th Avenue and Plaza Boulevard. Southwest 42nd Street and the crosswalk on Clark Butler Boulevard immediately north of Southwest 42nd Street will remain open at all times. 

Continuing Notices 

NW Fifth Ave.: Northwest Fifth Avenue will be closed from Northwest 14th Terrace to Northwest 15th Street for curb and gutter repairs, sidewalk improvements, and repaving from Monday, Jan. 23-Monday, Feb. 2. 

SW Ninth Terrace: Southwest Ninth Terrace will be closed between Southwest First Avenue and University Avenue due to the construction of a new development. Construction is expected to last through August 2023.

Note: All lane and road closures are subject to change due to unforeseen conditions, such as inclement weather.

Please be advised that this report covers the roads maintained by the City of Gainesville. For roads within Gainesville maintained by other agencies, please visit the following:

  • Are they going to reduce the bend in CBBoulevard N of Walmart? It’s not clear why they needed to put the severe bend there in the first place, but has it caused many accidents?

  • I realize this is a GNV CC release but they could have at least included a warning to city and county inhabitants that the poorly planned Hoggetowne Medieval Faire traffic will cause a huge traffic delay on SW Archer Road/NE State Rd 24 for three straight weekends! Hours of delay for fair attendees and residents! HOURS! Piss poor planning on the part of the event leadership and GNV and AC BOCC leadership to warn citizens to take the non existing alternate routes! I guess it means they could give cr$p less if you can’t pick up you child on time from school Fridays, or get to the grocery store and back home in less than two hours + during this time! Police presence for traffic control? Sitting in the patrol car due to cold weather! What A$$h$$$S (and I mean the private and city planners)!

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