Small fire temporarily closes dorm at GRACE Marketplace

Press release from GRACE
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At approximately 6:20 a.m. on Monday, March 4, 2024, GRACE staff were alerted to a fire in the women’s dorm. Everyone in the dorm was safely evacuated, and a call to 911 was placed. At this time the cause of the fire is under investigation by Gainesville Fire Rescue, and we are cooperating fully with their efforts. Here is what we know:
- Staff were able to extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher, and the building’s fire system activated the sprinkler systems.
- Thanks to the quick actions of our team, everyone was evacuated safely and there were no reported injuries at the time of the fire.
- The dorm has been shut down until Gainesville Fire Rescue has concluded their investigation and gives the all-clear that the building is safe to re-occupy.
Effect on GRACE services:
- No other programs and services on the GRACE campus have been affected by the fire.
- The dorm will remain closed until Gainesville Fire Rescue has concluded their investigation and gives the all-clear to return to the building.
- We have opened the Welcome Center to temporarily relocate everyone until it is safe to return to the dorm.
Current Emergency Needs:
- Twin-size fitted sheets
- Blankets
- Pillows
- Mens & Women’s Clothing
- Hygiene Products
- Backpacks, duffle bags, suitcases – anything folks can store their belongings in
If you would like to help supply any of these items please contact our Donor Care Team by sending a message to Click here to view the Amazon Wish List.
We would like to thank the quick actions of our team for following emergency procedures and getting everyone evacuated safely. We’d also like to thank the quick response of first responders, Gainesville Fire Rescue, and the City of Gainesville. Thank you to the team at The Best Restoration for immediately dispatching crews to help with restoration efforts. Our partners at The Best Restoration are onsite and ready to start restoration efforts as soon as we can re-occupy the building.
Two edged sword…more homeless but no matter how the fire started, it did more to close Grace than local politicians have.
You can leave that light on anytime if it reduces the homelessness and crime that comes with it.
Please….let it burn!
Y’all Hood Rats Can’t smoke crack or meth inside the building!!!!
Might cause a fire.
I’m not worried about it though.
The COG Commission has plenty of the underhanded GRU money to repair the fire damage.
🎶 Chestnuts roasting on an open fire🎵
It’s funny how at any given time a residential home can catch fire, a family of 4 two adults, and two little kids for example, and the family pet, could perish in that fire, two or three firefighters maybe get injured trying to save them, and John q public might be lucky enough to hear it on a scanner.
But cracked out female Hood Rats catch Grace Market Place on fire, and it’s front page news in the county paper.
Cause of the fire 🔥 is under investigation? GPD and GFR should just state the obvious. Where is the arrest report?
Nobody is gonna be arrested for this…..
It’s Grace Market Place.
The facility gets more funding from the COG Commission than any other program within the Alachua county boarder.
And what former car dealership employee had the brilliant idea to call it a Marketplace?
I think I speak for most of the cities hardworking, gainfully employed residents when I say “We ain’t buying nothing y’all selling from your ever so “Graceful Market Place”!!!!
Who thought up this stupid crap anyway ???
“Grace Market Place”……
A graceful place to rehabilitate homeless people,
Where the hell do they come up with this bulls#@$…..
And the bill is still somehow on “us”…..
Y’all see the dude on the tv 20 news asking for donations?
With the reputation the “homeless” at Grace Market Place has. 😂
I have to give the guy an “E” for effort… 😜
I know it had to be somewhat embarrassing for him.
I would’ve had to go home and get a strong drink after the interview. 😂
And in all my typing and ranting about it, Grace Market Place has more financial revenue since the 6pm news, (it’s 9:10 pm now), than I make in a year.
Please keep the employees safe.
There’s lots of linens on the corners of downtown streets, especially across 1st St. from City Hall.
Hope that helps.