
State Board of Education approves rules to protect children

Press release from Florida Department of Education

ORLANDO, Fla. – Today, the State Board of Education approved three administrative rules to strengthen and enhance the safety and welfare of students in K-12 public schools and protect parental rights. The State Board unanimously voted to require that restrooms and changing facilities in K-12 schools be separated based on biological sex at birth; ensure transparency of student records for parents; and protect students from being exposed to adult live entertainment while attending a school-sponsored event or activity. These rules implement legislation passed during the 2023 legislative session that further protects student and parental rights.

“There is no higher calling than to protect our children from unwelcome influences and indoctrination,” said Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, Jr. “The rules adopted today ensure that our kids can be kids while in the care of our schools. I thank Governor Ron DeSantis, the Legislature, and the State Board of Education for their unwavering commitment to the health, wellbeing, and safety of our students.”

Specific rules adopted today that protect students and ensure their continued welfare include:

Designation of Restrooms and Changing Facilities in K-12 Educational Institutions

  • Requires that restrooms and changing facilities at K-12 education institutions be designated for exclusive use by biological males or biological females or that there is a unisex restroom/changing facility.
  • School districts must also update their student codes of conduct and certify their schools are in compliance with the new restrooms and changing facilities requirement. 

Education Records

  • Directs districts to develop procedures for a parent to specify any change from the child’s legal name in school, thereby ensuring transparency for parents.

School-Sponsored Events and Activities

  • Protects the innocence of students by ensuring they are not exposed to inappropriate school-sponsored events and activities.

The full State Board agenda and supporting materials can be found on the Department of Education’s website at https://www.fldoe.org/policy/state-board-of-edu/meetings/2023/2023-07-19/.  

  • This, plus keeping males out of female sports are necessary steps, unfortunately.

  • Progressive Liberals should be happy, partially anyway. At a minimum, it should lower construction costs since each facility would potentially only need one bathroom.
    They won’t be confused whether a 👗 or 👖 should be on the door.

  • Good for the State of Florida. Children should be protected from adult entertainment and adult subjects.

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