Updated with FHP statement: Two killed, two injured in Waldo accident
Updated at 7:30 p.m. with statement from Florida Highway Patrol
Staff report
WALDO, Fla. – At about 1:09 a.m. last night, crews responded to a single-vehicle crash in Waldo near Cole Street and found a vehicle wrapped around a concrete utility pole.
Two patients were pronounced deceased at the scene, and two were trauma-alerted to a local hospital. Crews from Alachua County Fire Rescue, Melrose Fire, and Windsor Fire worked for over 90 minutes to remove all victims from the vehicle.
Florida Highway Patrol has released the following statement:
“Early this morning, the Bradford County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from the Florida Highway Patrol as they pursued a recently stolen Honda CRV from Alachua County (ACSO Case #24-03307). The Honda CRV appeared to be occupied by four individuals. A State Trooper with the Florida Highway Patrol joined the pursuit and identified that some of the occupants appeared to be wearing ski masks.
“The suspect vehicle exited U.S. 301 and began traveling westbound on State Road 24 (SR-24) in the Waldo area of Alachua County. The Trooper made intentional contact with the Honda, causing it to decelerate. The Trooper used the break in speed to perform a Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT maneuver) on the fleeing Honda to stop the threat created by the fleeing suspect. The Honda subsequently rolled over before making contact with a cement pole.
“One of the occupants of the suspect vehicle was ejected and pronounced deceased on scene. Alachua County Fire Rescue transported the other occupants to an area hospital where, upon arrival, another occupant was pronounced deceased. Our thoughts are with all those impacted by this incident. This criminal investigation is ongoing in cooperation with the Office of the State Attorney – 15th Circuit, Bradford County Sheriff’s, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, and the Florida Highway Patrol. Additional information will be released when available.”
must have been in a hurry running away
Hurry or not, it is still very sad
Not sad at all. Car thieves died while fleeing . Saved a trial for 2 of them
Wendy if it was your relative you wouldn’t be saying that so shut up
We should always expect relatives to feel sad for their loved ones regardless of their criminal status. It’s a very common thing and that’s OK. But if you don’t have a familial connection nor an intimate connection with somebody. Then you should be able to put your feelings to the side and see it for what it is. sometimes people, do bad things, to other people, and then bad things happen to them in the process. Can’t feel bad for people like that especially when there’s no familial connection.
If you have no connection then there’s no need to comment ??
Thank you well said
Regardless fhp should have never did a pit wit ant car going at a high rate of speed and if u read the laws it says can’t do a pit over 35 mph and if a going over 15- 20 miles over speed u are to back off and use different approach and then says never do a pit on suv or truck. No mater what the case fhp took matters in his own hands knowing what the out come would be. Sad part is Spike strips was set ahead. But fhp took matters in his own hands and kids 4 kids Regardless of the criminal out come. What if that pit maneuver?Would a sent them kids into somebody’s house?
Like let’s be honest.There is too much b s with Authority and they Don’t give a damn about our youth. And the true sad part is one had a career going for him far as football and travel basketball. But all 4 will truly be heavenly missed.♥️
they were 15 & 17 have some humanity
They ain’t steal da car Sdfu
You sound so dumb
That is so sick of you to even say something like that a car can be replaced but you only get one LIFE
The trail is gonna be for that dumb ass police for killing kids make sure you be there’s I will.
Do you even have a heart should you even be breathing
Show some respect, some compassion. Prayers for their families..
Thank you that my cousin and again thank you so much
oh im sorry about your lose. Prayers for the family. But what happened were they speeding
They stole a car out of Alachua
They stole a vehicle ran from police and died.
Just like your mother 🙁
Prayers for you and your family.
I totally agree they are still someone’s kids sending prayers and my deepest deepest condolences
I am almost positive. The speed limit is 45 along there. They were definitely over speed limit The old saying speed kills
I believe this was SR 24, 100 feet or so before Cole street, Gainesville bound. If so, speed limit is 35 MPH. Yes, speed kills.
Yes, 35 mile an hour heading toward Gainesville
It costs nothing to be kind.
Going the speed limit would have only cost them some time over their lives. Bummer.
Stolen cars usually don’t do the speed limit while running from the police
Costs a lot to commit a crime.
Listen that My family your talking about yes they should have not been going that fast but that gives you no right to try and make a joke about this could be one of your family members in the next hour watch what you say because it could be you
I’m so sorry to hear about this tragedy – and the insensitivity of some of the respondents. Pay no attention to them. If the shoe were on the other foot their comments would be completely different.
My condolences to you and your family🕊💔🙏🏽
@Miss Mary: Prayers and condolences to you and your family. Sad that they stole a car, sad that they ran from the police, sad that these young people died over a stupid car.
Yes, they allegedly stole a car , from my take , from reading this this article , the state trooper (not blaming him/her) stop tactics caused the accident
@Eyes only: pretty sure you meant that the kids’ actions, which caused the troopers to use the stop tactics they did- caused the accident.
Trooper isn’t using the PIT manuever if the kids either STOP the car when the red & blues come on…or maybe don’t break the law in the first place.
Know matter what you do in life look above bc the Lord see everythg we do my prayers to all four of the family
Mary Hall , I’m sorry for your loss. I read the article. From my understanding the trooper making contact with the car is what caused the accident
No. Crash, I will not say accident, because it was not one, was caused by the perps failure to stop
I’m pretty sure none of my family is going to steal a car and go on a high speed chase, so no I don’t think this could be me. Stop making excuses for your criminal brood, wouldn’t be surprised if you had a rap sheet like a CVS receipt too.
One of the kids was my youth in the facility here in Miami
I’m so sorry for your loss. I urge you not to engage on this forum because you don’t need the additional stress during your time of mourning. My prayers go out to you and to the families of all of the young men involved in this tragic event.
It looks like it’s by the school. If so, how the hell were they going that fast?
Being chased by police in a stolen car
It’s insane how people will put rude comments on here! This was someone in my family who
Is now deceased! No matter the circumstances keep the rude comments to yourself!
Ohana I personally don’t see any rude comments on here most have to do with speeding
I agree 💯
Prayers for all families invloved.
Thank you My family needs it right now
I am sorry for your grief, trouble….and loss.
Sorry for your loss
Unfortunately, they were fleeing and eluding law enforcement, I was on my way home from work when they passed me and couldn’t tell when kind of vehicle it was. And it is 35mph down in the turn off to Gainesville from Waldo. It is sad and unfortunate for all.
Sad….lives gone
At least they didn’t murder an innocent while committing their crime.
You are absolutely right
I’m sorry but actions like this don’t deserve sympathy, that’s reckless endangerment on so many levels it’s not even funny and it’s hard to feel sorry for somebody who’s dangerous driving could have killed innocent lives. No way in hell somebody needs to be driving that fast not to mention that’s why roads have speed limits. I guarantee you if that car wasn’t doing over a hundred miles an hour it was damn close.
Well keep ur smart ass comments and what you feel to your self because at the end of the day it sad and those kids family needs ever prayer they can get for one of the victim is my cousin so just keep your mouth shut if you don’t have nothing caring to say
I feel terrible about the utility pole. It did nothing wrong.
WD is a national treasure!
Just a matter of time before the Liberals chime in and blame the concrete Pole!
Just stupid comment for no reason.
You’re right. It’s right in the picture. The pole is white.
You misspelled “R” and “2”
Lottie Mitchell until you just said their race i didn’t know however I personally, don’t give a damn what race they are when idiots steal cars run from law enforcement wrecked my comments, gonna say the same thing cause I’m a firm believer. There is trash and idiots and every race of people.
The article never said their race or names DUMBA–. you are the only one spilling the beans and making it an issue. Better luck next time.
FHP routinely releases the age, gender, hometown, and extent of injuries for every occupant of the vehicles in a serious crash. I asked today for that information, and they said it could not be released yet. Of course, they don’t release names, but it is highly unusual to refuse to release the other information.
When an officer is involved it’s a whole different ball game. The higher ups have to investigate the officer side so there’s two separate investigations going on.
Jennifer Cabrera, I just read on WCJB that not only were they in a stolen car but this started with a “homicide investigation in Gainesville”
Good grief.
There’s sooo many different ways I could follow up with that but I’ll refrain myself.
Maybe the alleged perpetrators should have abstained from stealing a car though.
Maybe stay off the internet til you get your emotions under control. You can’t dictate what people write, especially if their lawlessness could have cost other peoples lives.
I sympathize with you Mary Hall as one of the deceased was my granddaughters boyfriend and she is devastated. Praying for all involved
I feel for your Granddaughter. We have innocent people devastated.
i’m sure there is more than this other than a stolen car
My comments are going to stay the same sweetheart and like other commenters have said I feel worser for the concrete Pole. Have a good day!
Worser isn’t a word.
You need punctuation.
Thank goodness they didn’t kill someone’s child
All of them were someone’s child
Thieving children raised the wrong way . So again Thank goodness they didn’t kill anyone will joy riding in a stolen vehicle.
You dont know whether they weren’t raised right. The way the world is sometimes children just do as the please despite what they’ve been taught.
I actually know they’re parents personally! Love and take care of their children with everything in them. You absolutely cannot help who your children hang with and who they may become in the world. That is solely up to them. All you can do is guide them. My prayers to the families. The insensitivity is crazy.
The were, and the parents most likely raised them wrong!
Well they did kill someone’s child. The occupants of that car are somebodies child. They had no regard for any lives.
I do send my condolences and prayers for the families of this tragedy.
I totally agree they could have hit passerby possibly killed him and his family been left without a husband father over idiots at wants to flee, police and put everyone’s life at risk
U say that but it was 4 people “kids” how do u know they all knew what was really going on. U heartless
Officers on the scene speculated speed may have been a factor.
That concrete pole probably did as well.
why were they running if not doing anything wrong
@EdRobrberts: The article clearly states the car was stolen so of course, they were doing something wrong. The little dears had on ski masks as well. They were not innocent, they were thieves and thankfully, only killed and injured themselves not some innocent person.
and they referenced that three of them had active warrants while two of them were wearing ankle monitors.
These are young people! I am very astonished to read that there are so many people commenting on this that must have NEVER made a regrettable decision in their youth! Thank God there are such perfect people in this world. Please go about your perfect lives! In the time it took some of you to make snide remarks you could have been thanking God that this didn’t happen to your family!
Young people that were allegedly breaking the law…
Fortunate an innocent person wasn’t injured.
Never stole a car, or wore a ski mask, in my tooth or as an adult. Also never ran from the police.
U know everyone perfect this days. And plus they on a computer app. They get to live their best lives!!!!
If fleeing and eluding was the case reading comments then the law enforcement agency should put out a release saying so and an investigation into criminal actions on the part of suspects as well as agency pursuit policies is on going. It’s BS that they are not being transparent about events. All it leads to rumors and incorrect information being thrown around. If the car was fleeing law enforcement from a crime then so be it. Bad things happen when you don’t play by the rules. If it’s just an accident say so and it’s a tragedy that people’s mistakes and judgement lead to the event.
Hope this helps: “Early this morning, the Bradford County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from the Florida Highway Patrol as they pursued a recently stolen Honda CRV from Alachua County (ACSO Case #24-03307).”
Not at all. 4 kids died
I just saw the update. Stolen vehicle, ski masks (people do not wear ski masks just because they are in a stolen car( probably another crime yet to be discovered) , fleeing and eluding from two different agencies. Ok now that it’s out. Bad things happen to people who are choose to do criminal acts. Knock on the devils door and sooner then later the devil answers. Enough said.
Try reading the story
It wasn’t updated on first comment. Thanks anyway
They updated it. The vehicle was stolen and they were running from police. FHP performed a PIT manuever and that’s when the vehicle flipped and collided with the pole.
Yeah a moved that they no longer practice. What tf y’all been paying attention to just the woods. They go on high speed chases across the country with helicopters flying and everyone goes home at the end of the day.
The vehicle was stolen according to the updated info.
ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – Two people are dead after a police pursuit involving a stolen vehicle from Alachua County rolled over and struck a cement pole, according to Florida Highway Patrol.
So now we know the real reason the idiots were driving so fast put other people lives at risk and we and we are to feel sorry for them why sounds like the family should’ve been teaching them right and wrong
Unfortunately there is no victims in this tragedy you can continue to get on here and think so but I highly doubt that any of these individuals were not involved in why the police were chasing them. It’s travesty but you have to pick your friends and pick them well. You can continue to ask her sympathy on here but it’s documented they were running from the police and from the pictures they were doing well above the speed limit. There’s consequences with people’s actions and this just so happens to be one of them.
So, you think death is an appropriate consequence for stealing a car??? Wow.
No, death is not an appropriate consequence for car theft. It is for fleeing and eluding the po po that results in a car crash. They could have just stopped and would have been uninjured. They are 100% at fault here.
Rest up lil fish
That State Trooper killed those boys!! Was it that serious to perform that maneuver?? That’s BS I guarantee he is a racist yackaback! This a lawsuit too cause it’s against policy to pursue low crime pursuits!!! Ben Crump come to Gainesville.
Yeah bro! Because the FHP stole the car?!?! 🤡🤡
Jon they were putting People in jeopardy with their stupidity they got what deserved . Yes as for as I am concern FHP had ever right to do it.
Nothing to do with “every right”…there are procedures and judgement as LE… and rest assured doing a pit maneuver at that speed in that area is being questioned. Of course the minors broke the law but creating more danger by chasing/intentionally hitting the car did result in loss of life. Many kids in that area grow up in poverty and exposed to lifestyles and influences that contribute to tragedies like this. Country ass, Jesus loving, judgmental Karens…how about “y’all”go mentor and make a difference. You have no idea what the youth are exposed to and the hardships some of them face. And no I’m not condoning, but the narrow comments are telling…nice people.
The police had every right to end the recklessness of criminals. Stupid games win stupid prizes.
From ya come you won a lot those prizes!!
Jon- that’s part of the problem with youth today…..it’s never their fault, never get punished…..the cops were doing their job! They could’ve just committed a murder for all they knew, and that’s why they were running. What if the cops didn’t pursue and they were otw to kill someone?!? Then the cops would’ve been blamed for not pursing!
Racist?? The cops had now idea if they were white, black or Chinese…..because the car was stolen and they supposedly had ski masks on.
The people who commit the crimes are to blame, no one else.
All that said, I am sorry for the grieving families.
So the police killed 4 kids with a maneuver they don’t use over 45mph and that’s ok.
I agree why damage the patrol car. Shoot the tires out or the driver to stop the pursuit. You truly are the idiot of the day. The article didn’t say if they suspects were demographically challenged but how who law enforcement know that if suspects were wearing ski masks.
stolen car eluding police ski mask’s humm oh well thugse
And the person who killed them kids is the real THUG.
Tim, the kids are the thugs. This all started because of a “homicide investigation” where the vehicle was stolen.
eluding police stolen car ski masks
If you all read the update there is a FHP release on the incident. There was a PIT maneuver performed on the vehicle, by FHP, that caused the car to slam into the utility pole.
So sad that lives were lost. So sad that if these 4 had not stolen a car FHP would never had to do a PIT maneuver. That is the “But for” rule. If they had not been out, if they had not stolen a car, if they had not been speeding/running, they would still be alive today and the families would not be suffering, but for their actions none of it would have happened
So, if they would have stopped then no PIT maneuver would was necessary. If they would have ran someone over and crashed into another car you would be the one screaming that the cops were wrong for not doing more. There are a several reasons the car flipped after spinning out. Driver hit a curb, tire blew out, driver turned the wheel the wrong way, car was top heavy, etc. The point is that none of this conversation or commenting would be going on if the young scholars would not have been in a stolen car, wearing ski masks, and stopped in Bradford County when contact was made.
I’m a general contractor and I need the make and model of that concrete pole.
Who the heck steals a CR-V
Guess I won’t be buying a CR-V!!
The same people that steal a mini van.
Hey guys. I just wanna let you know I’m ok. Not a scratch on me.
Concrete pole I keep you in my prayers just I. Case you start feeling bad about it later
But it’s a bunch of kids blood on you.
Regarding the Snarkey comments…..I am OK with it. If harsh humor can prevent a stupid decision here and there, then have at it!
Regarding the harsh comments…..I am OK with it. If harsh humor can prevent a stupid decision here and there, then have at it!
I feel bad for the trooper, all they had to do was stop. He will have to live with, did he do the right thing.
LEOs have to make so many consequential decisions so quickly – weighing potential harms in the blink of an eye.
If he hadn’t stopped the car and someone else had been hit, then not only would the thieves be in danger, but innocent, unsuspecting citizens as well.
We’ll never know what tragedies were prevented by this difficult decision.
Thanks for the reminder about what the trooper is going through as well.
That stupid mf wanted to do that. Fake ass police and while y’all on here defending his actions his own police family don’t agree with his decision. Y’all stupid for real!!!! In real life
Sad but just ……stolen vehicle running in two counties what do y’all expect the police to do ….just so happen a concrete poll was the end story
Do his job the right way
Good riddance! No sympathy for thieves! Got what they deserve.
They got what they deserve, shouldn’t do the crime
These are children/young adults that lost their lives. No one has ever led a perfect life besides Jesus. That crime of stealing a car and eluding does NOT mean they deserve to die. Praying for their families that they receive comfort in these difficult hours to days to come.
how about the person they stole the car from now he has n car and his insurance probaly won’t cover it
I am not saying the officer performing the Pit Maneuver, is in the wrong, but, is sounds like he performed it with both vehicles going to fast. The person/persons in the auto fleeing were in the wrong, I am not questioning that at all, and, I would be the first to say that the Officer was performing his legal/lawful duty. I am just wondering why the fleeing vehicle flipped like it did.
Gene 99% of the time the pit is performed it is at high speed. Let’s not blame FHP for their stupidity the drivers of the car chose to flea from the traffic stop like it or not his own stupidity caused all of this. Yes, they stole the car. They would Have been charged if he had pulled over a few years in prison would’ve been a lot better than losing our lives. I’m just glad they didn’t hit an innocent person during all this personally don’t feel sorry for them at all. They deserved outcome of this. They made that choice.
Talk to any police officer. They will tell you his was wrong on all accounts. I have spoken with 10 different officers White Black and Asian and they all were disgusted with what he did. But yo got people that think just because he wears a badge he’s automatically right. It’s wierd to me for people to think a grown person can’t make bad decisions because they got a badge on. But hey Trump was president nothing’s weird to me anymore.
Ben Crump only cares about black people when money is involved
And. That’s why Black Lives Matter was created.
SAD SAD SAD. And it has to be a law about pit stopping.. if they were traveling that fast I’m sure EVERYONE KNOWS EVEN HITTING A SMALL BUMP WOULD Have FLIPPED A SUV!! A PITSTOP SHOULD Have NEVER BEEN PERFORMED AT THAT RATE OF SPEED!! Put 2 opps cars in front. One on each side. Going about 5 miles an hour!! With nowhere to go. Trust they would have stopped!! And all the police is Gainesville. Why would u call starke police!! I really think they should not put articles like this in here. One it’s not right for the family!! Alaucha conical need to be sued also. I saw a white ladt get hit running across the street with her was turned waving at people. Not paying attention. On a green light at that. First lord bless her. But why it wasn’t in here is my question!!. (Uf student) she flipped numerous times. Stop dictating what y’all post and post everything!! Sorry ass, no heart mfers. N I couldn’t dare even post let along write about a sad thing like this. Knowing the past comments these ignorant people say!! Goosh!!
Who ever
this is a free country if you don’t like what we post no here one forces you to read it myself and most of the people who post on here are regulars we tell it like we see it if your feeling get we don’t give a dam.
These were teen children…SMH your kids are perfect never done anything wrong
I’m positive that none of my kids ever
1) Stole a car
2) Rode around in a stolen car wearing ski masks
3) Ignored repeated requests from Law Enforcement to stop
Are these things unreasonable expectations in your eyes? Do you not teach your kids right from wrong, starting from when they are small?
I’m really tired of everyone saying things to the effect of “Y’all’s kids do this, too”.
No, everyone’s kids do not do this stuff. Everyone’s kids do not have rap sheets a mile long and multiple stays in jail or prison.
This truly is a case of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.
Do their families feel any regret or responsibility towards the owner of that stolen car? Are their families going to start a gofundme account to replace the car that they stole???
I’m not holding my breathe for that.
1 You do not know everything your kids do when you are not around. 2 I was raised with 5 siblings the right way I continue that but I would be lying if I say none of my siblings got in trouble, all you can do is teach your kids what’s right and pray they live it throughout their life.
Dee I can assure you my two boys ages 27 and 20 never committed a felony, one is 100% disabled Marine who was wounded fighting for this country, the other one is a police officer. kids who were raised with a loving family by two parents who knew were they were at night was taught right and wrong did they do little things I am sure they did . Stealing a car running from law enforcement is not a small thing so if the family wants to blame someone they must start with themselves on how they raise them
Who ever, “The suspect vehicle exited U.S. 301 and began traveling westbound on State Road 24 (SR-24) in the Waldo area of Alachua County. The Trooper made intentional contact with the Honda, causing it to decelerate. The Trooper used the break in speed to perform a Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT maneuver) on the fleeing Honda to STOP THE THREAT CREATED BY THE FLEEING SUSPECT.”
Where in the story does it state how fast the Honda was traveling?
What does a lady getting run over walking across the street in Gainesville have to do with this? A little information for you. The Stark police department has been disbanded. So they were not involved. The only thing pertaining to Alachua County is the fact the car was stolen in Alachua County and the pit maneuver was done by FHP in Alachua County. The incident started in Bradford County by BCSO and then FHP was requested to assist. The Gainesville Police and ACSO had nothing to do Pit Maneuver or crash. Once again everything could have been avoided if these smart criminals would have stopped. The driver is he is still alive should be charged with two counts of vehicular manslaughter. At high speeds the safer option is a pit maneuver to disable the vehicle. Rolling roadblock are more unsafe then pit maneuvers. I hope this provides you with some insight. Your comment is very confusing kinda like the Gainesville Sun and TV 20 reporting.
Wrong or not , people should still have compassion towards the people that lost their kids. Some of you are rude and disrespectful. What if they were your kids? #sad😔
Some of yall are mad weird, these were 3 children who died and 1 fighting for his life. No what they did isn’t right. But Right now the mothers are grieving. So Please let’s not act like all kids are supposed to be prefect and never do no wrong. They made a bad choice and unfortunately lost their lives..
Prediction: AC Commissioners will recommend that PIT maneuvers are not allowed anymore in the county.
Do their families attend that fake pastor’s church? Just curious. Don’t be afraid to go to a church that preaches the gospel instead of racial grievances and hate.
If your kid has a ski mask in his or her room in Alachua County, that’s not a good sign.
Y’all folks are weird just because them kids did a crime doesn’t make them deserve what they got and not all parents can control there kids and y’all are talking about their mothers didn’t teach them right , they are teenagers ofc they are going to sneak out and do something there not supposed to do
Ok and they paid the price for sneaking around doing something they were not supposed to do. Once again all they had to do was pull over and stop. The parents could have picked their kids from juvenile detention or bailed them out of jail. The only person that caused this to end this way was the driver of the stolen car. Sorry no other way to explain it.
If you wait until they are teenagers to teach right and wrong you have done lost them you start when they start talking walking you spank their ass when need you need to. You don’t put up with back talking being disrespectful to anyone you teach them to respect their peers obey the laws
They stole a car then, typically, didn’t stop when ‘asked.’ Bad things can happen. From the looks of the car, they must have been flying.
when will they release the real reason they took the car and why the ski masks
check out the update. started with a homicide investigation.
It’s sad this happened to those kids. Many teens do dumb acts and I’m glad they didn’t hurt any bystanders in this chase. I pray the others are ok enough to learn from this.
Thoughts and prayers for the families.
Please if you can’t leave something nice to say then keep it to yourself. These families have lost their loved ones no matter what the situation is.
Years ago I had a co-worker/friend who was killed in a crash. This man CHOSE to go to a bar, he CHOSE to get drunk, he CHOSE to get in his truck, he CHOSE to drive, even though his friends tried to get his keys. He drove head-on into a semi truck and died. Do I feel sorry for his family? Of course I do. Do I feel sorry for him? No. He CHOSE his destiny.
With these kids, they each CHOSE to be out at 1am, when they should have been sleeping to prepare for a day in school. They each CHOSE to steal a vehicle that they had no business to. They each CHOSE to drive recklessly. They CHOSE not to stop for police with their blue lights on. THEY chose their own destiny. Do I feel sorry for their families? Of course I do. Do I feel sorry for those kids? I feel sorry, that they apparently were not raised with morals, with discipline, with the love of God. I feel sorry that their parents allowed (especially if 2- were only 15-years old), them to run wild at 1 in the morning.
I feel sorry for the thousands of children coming from the same types of families.
Wake up parents. Our children NEED a strong mom and a strong dad in the home. They NEED discipline. They NEED love. They NEED guidance. They NEED the love of God.
Posted today in the G,Sun 4-26-24
“Bradford County Sheriff’s deputies say the incident started with a homicide investigation in Gainesville. An SUV stolen from the scene of the crime on Southeast 24th Drive in Gainesville was detected by a license plate reader hours later.
Deputies pursued the vehicle at speeds of more than 100 mph. The deputies got to speeds of 111 mph before their patrol vehicle governors kicked in preventing them from accelerating further.
Authorities say two of the teenagers in the SUV were wearing ankle monitors and three had active warrants”
It’s sad for their families. But these young thug want to be’s 100% caused their own demise. It wasn’t the car owners fault, Bradford Sheriff or FHP officer. They died while involved in criminal activities and their family members should sadly accept that instead of trying to get rich off it by frivolous lawsuits.
I just spoke with both Bradford County and GPD, and they could not confirm the information in that story. GPD detectives are unaware of any link to the Tiger Bay homicide.
gee stolen car fleeing police ski mask’s ankle monitors all 4 paid the price not model citizen’s murder investigation so they did take a life
Some of Alachua’s finest citizens just think of the money we will save on future court cost public defenders being incarcerated in prison