UF student charged with felony battery and giving false ID to officer
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Alexander Enrique Perez, 19, was arrested yesterday and charged with felony battery and providing a false ID to officers after allegedly punching someone in a bar and giving an officer his brother’s ID.
A witness reportedly told a Gainesville Police Department officer that on Friday, January 13, at about 9:15 p.m., Perez was lying on the floor at a bar at 112 S. Main Street when she tried to give him a cup of water; she said he got up and became angry with her and a man who was nearby, so they walked away from him.
The witness reportedly said that Perez followed them and began to yell at her, so the man defended the witness and told Perez to leave her alone. Perez allegedly hit the man in the face with a closed fist; the victim reportedly grabbed Perez in self-defense, and the two fell to the ground, causing the victim to hit a bar stool.
The victim was taken to the emergency room for his injuries; he reportedly required five stitches above his eye and suffered a broken nose that may require surgery.
Perez allegedly handed the officer his brother’s driver’s license, which resembled Perez enough that the officer believed it was his license. However, when the officer followed up with Perez on January 16 and called him by his brother’s name, Perez reportedly said that was his brother’s name and his brother’s driver’s license.
Perez, a UF student, has been charged with felony battery and providing a false ID to an officer; he has no criminal history, and Judge Thomas Jaworski released him on his own recognizance.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
ROR on charge of felony battery this woke far left crap needs to stop
Maybe the judge questions whether a single-punch bar fight rises to the level of “felony battery.” I think “affray” is the more common charge for bar fighting with injuries (a misdemeanor). It sounds like the victim probably threatened the kid before he got hit. Then he “grabbed Perez in self-defense” (whatever that is supposed to mean) resulting in him hurting himself on a bar stool as he tumbled to the ground. If the kid had busted the bar stool over his head and put him in the hospital, that would be felony battery.
You’re wrong, FSS for felony battery includes grievous injury or disfigurement. Broken nose requiring surgery and a wound needed stitches definitely fits the category
It sounds like he should have backed off after he was punched instead of attempting to wrestle the kid and more seriously injuring himself in the process, especially if he was also intoxicated. I think we can assume he would have stopped fighting and not tried to wrestle the kid if he was already “grievously” injured; but that’s not what happened. A broken nose in a bar fight is not what is meant by permanent disfigurement. Obviously nothing would have happened if he hadn’t gotten in the kid’s face in the first place. So what if he was having a verbal hissy-fit. Tell the manager or just ignore him.
ROR on a violent felony. The “Alachua County special.” Wow, that’ll really teach this kid…
If it isn’t Walter Green letting everybody go, it’s Jaworski.
I stay far away from downtown, too much of a headache.
Jeez, there but the grace of God go I…thank you A.A.!!
Word Jimmy, word.
Hollyweird makes some people think this is the normal way of resolving differences. The victims should sue Hollyweird, and the perp checked for DACA status.
I understand the address of the establishment was listed, but why not the name? Any ‘downtown bar fiasco’ piece on Alachua Chronicle that I have read is ALWAYS sure to list the bar name- why not this one?
This establishment is well known for allowing underage drinking going on constantly. Wonder who’s palms have been greased.