Alachua County 911 Coordinator Arnold Godwin appointed to the Florida E911 Board

Press release from the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Karen Dearden, Arnold Godwin, and Jason Shimko to the E911 Board.

Karen Dearden

Dearden, of Tallahassee, is the External Affairs Manager for AT&T Florida. She was previously the Communications Director for the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Dearden earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and her master’s degree in counseling and human systems from Florida State University.

Arnold Godwin

Godwin, of High Springs, is the Alachua County 911 Coordinator. He is a veteran of the United States Army and a current member of the Florida Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association and the Florida 911 Coordinators Association. Godwin attended Santa Fe College.

Jason Shimko

Shimko, of Fort Myers, is a Senior Account Director of Lumen. Previously, he was the Strategic Director of Government and Education for Summit Broadband. Shimko attended Florida Southwestern State College.
