April 14 County Commission Virtual Regular Meeting
Press release from Alachua County
The Alachua County Commission will conduct their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. The evening portion of the meeting is canceled. This meeting is a virtual public meeting. The public may attend virtually through Cox Channel 12, Facebook, the County’s Video on Demand website. For meeting audio only, call 301-715-8592, and when prompted, use code 670 965 3024.
The public may submit comments to the board through email (bocc@alachuacounty.us) or by calling into the public comment message line when prompted to call during the meeting.
Public comment will be taken by telephone for all non-ministerial items on which the Commission votes. Once public comment is opened for an item under discussion, please call 352-418-0705 and follow the instructions to leave your recorded message for the Commission. Callers should leave their name and limit comments to two minutes. The Commission will allow up to a total of 30 minutes for citizen comments on each item opened for public comment. In addition, the Commission will open phone lines for one 30 minute public comment session for the public to discuss items not on the Commission agenda. The public is encouraged to submit any written or photographic documents prior to the meeting to bocc@alachuacounty.us. Any questions regarding participation should be directed to the Alachua County Communications Office at 352-264-6923 or 352-264-6693.
Items of interest include:
- Ratification of Emergency Order 2020-16 (Virtual Government in the Sunshine Meetings Through the Use of Communications Media Technology)
- Approval of a Proclamation Declaring April 2020, as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” in Alachua County, FL
- Approval of a Proclamation Declaring April 2020, as “National Healthcare Decisions Month” in Alachua County, FL
- Approval of a Proclamation Declaring April 12 through 18,2020, as “National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week” in Alachua County, FL
- Approval of a Proclamation Declaring April 2020, as “Water Conservation Month” in Alachua County, FL
- Approval of a Proclamation Declaring April 22, 2020, as “Earth Day” in Alachua County, FL
- Presentation: Alachua County Fire Rescue 5 Year Financial Plan
- Presentation: Radio Management System
- Board-Initiated Charter Amendments: Draft Ordinances for Authorization to Advertise Public Hearings
View the agenda and backup items.
Citizens are encouraged to stay engaged by signing up for the following: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to the County’s Newsletter/Press Release