April 21 Planning Commission Meeting includes Archer solar facility
Press release from Alachua County
The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). This hybrid meeting begins at 6 p.m. The public may attend and participate (offer comments) in this meeting virtually and in-person.
The public who attend in-person must wear a facial covering at all times. Public seating will be made available up to the capacity that permits adequate social distancing.The public may attend virtually through Cox Channel 12 and the County’s Video on Demand website. For meeting audio-only, call 301-715-8592, and when prompted, use meeting code 670 965 3024.
For the public who attend virtually, once the public comment is opened for an item under discussion, please call 929-505-6099 (enter meeting code 273 174 8038). Callers will be put in a queue, and prompted when it is their turn to speak. TO AVOID FEEDBACK, SPEAKERS MUST TURN DOWN THE VOLUME ON THEIR DEVICE WHEN ADDRESSING THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. Callers should state their names and limit comments to two minutes. When prompted for in-person comment, in person participants should follow the direction of the Chair to participate.
Items for the Planning Commission Meeting:
CPA-02-21 (Osbrach Small-Scale Map Amendment) – This is a request by Clay Sweger of eda consultants, inc., agent, for Allen Z. and Denise L. Osbrach, owners, for a small-scale map amendment amending parcel 06884-000-000 from Low Density Residential (1 to 4 dwelling units/acre) to Institutional land use. The site is in the “RP” (Residential and Professional) zoning district and is located at 5930 S.W. Archer Rd. on approximately 1.92 acres. For more information contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Mehdi Benkhatar at mbenkhatar@alachuacounty.us.
CPA-03-21 (Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment) – This is a County-initiated amendment to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan: 2019-2040 to amend Policy 3.11.1 of the Future Land Use Element relating to the Rural Commercial Agriculture Land Use designation. This text change, if approved, will provide for residential uses in the Rural Commercial Agriculture land use designation; limit non-residential structures in this land use to no more than 3,000 square feet in size, and permit specific non-residential uses by special exception including small markets, grocery stores, and produce stands: rural medical and veterinary clinics, sales and service of farm equipment and supplies, farmer’s markets, as well as agricultural products distribution and agricultural services to serve the rural area. For more information, contact Senior Planner Gerald L. Brewington at 352-374-5249 or glb@alachuacounty.us.
ZOX-01-21: Sand Bluff Solar Facility Special Exception – This is a request by FL Solar 6 LLC (Jason Thomas, Agent) on behalf of Uncle Willies LLC, owner, for a special exception to permit a major utility (photovoltaic solar array) on approximately 638 acres located in an ‘A’ (Agriculture) district with a Rural/Agriculture land use designation (one dwelling unit per five acres). The project, if approved, will provide a 50 megawatt (MW) solar array for Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU). It is located along S.W. County Road 346 southeast of the City of Archer on parcel number 05197-000-000. For more information, contact Senior Planner Gerald L. Brewington at 352-374-5249 or glb@alachuacounty.us.
View the Planning Commission agenda.