
August 19 County Planning Commission Meeting

Press release from Alachua County

The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at 6 p.m. This is a virtual meeting. The public may attend virtually through the County’s Video on Demand website. For meeting audio only, call 301-715-8592, and when prompted, use code 670 965 3024.The public may submit comments to the Development Planning Commission through email at planning@alachuacounty.us. Comments can also be made by calling into the public comment message line when prompted to call during the meeting.

Public comment will be taken by telephone for all non-ministerial items on which the Planning Commission votes. Once public comment is opened for an item under discussion, please call 929-205-6099 (enter meeting code 273 174 8038). Callers will be put in a queue, and prompted when it is their turn to speak. TO AVOID FEEDBACK, SPEAKERS MUST TURN DOWN THEIR MEETING SOUND WHEN ADDRESSING THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS.

Any individual who wishes to participate in the proceeding but is unable to attend the hearing through communication media technology (CMT), may request a reasonable accommodation to allow for participation in the public hearing. In order to request an accommodation please call 352-264-6971 or email jhays@alachuacounty.us.

Items for the Planning Commission Meeting:

ZOX-01-20 (Request for a Special Exception) – This is a request by Archer Solar Project LLC (Mark Dypiangco, Agent) on behalf of various owners for a special exception to permit a major utility (solar array and associated distribution lines) on approximately 650.6 acres located in an ‘A’ (Agriculture) district with a Rural/Agriculture land use designation (one dwelling unit per five acres). The project is located on the northeast corner of S.W. 170th Street and S.W. 95th Avenue on parcel numbers 04588-000-000, 04588-001-000, 04588-001-001 and portions of parcels 04595-000-000 and 04631-000-000.  If approved, the special exception would permit a solar array and associated distribution facilities (such as a substation) to be built on these parcels. At full capacity, the array will be capable of producing 74.9 megawatts of energy. For more information, please contact Gerald L. Brewington (Sr. Planner) of the Alachua County Department of Growth Management at 352-374-5249 or glb@alachuacounty.us.

CPA 04-20 (County-Initiated Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment) – This is a County-initiated text amendment to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan: 2019-2040 to amend Rural and Agricultural policies in the Future Land Use Element relating to requirements and standards for clustered rural residential subdivisions and more flexibility regarding internal road requirements in rural residential subdivisions. If approved, the amendments would lower the threshold for requiring rural residential subdivisions to be clustered; clarify permitted and prohibited uses and management plan and implementation requirements for the open space in clustered rural residential subdivisions; increase the incentive for inclusion of agriculture such as community gardens in the open space of clustered rural residential subdivisions; and increase the maximum number of lots in rural residential subdivisions allowed to have internal unpaved private easement roads. For more information, please contact Ken McMurry (Planner) of the Alachua County Department of Growth Management at 352-374-5249 or kmcmurry@alachuacounty.us

View the Planning Commission Agenda.

Due to schedule conflicts, this meeting will not be televised on Cox Cable Channel 12. It will be available live on the County’s Video on Demand website.
