Buchholz student wins Sons of the American Revolution essay contest

Press release from Gainesville Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – On a rainy Tuesday evening, the Gainesville Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), a legacy society made up of descendants of Revolutionary War Patriots, presented Veronica Brown of Buchholz High School in Gainesville with the award as their winner in the George and Stella Brown Essay contest.
Veronica was awarded a certificate, medal, and cash prize at the dinner meeting held in Newberry. Her mother, Dr. Jennifer Sager, attended the ceremony with her.
The winning essay was about the reason for the word “happiness” in the Declaration of Independence rather than “Property,” a point of contention at the time, with Jefferson originally writing it as “Life, Liberty, and Property.”
From here, Veronica goes on to the State Competition, and if successful at that level, on to Nationals. Two years ago, Rachel Vu of Eastside High represented the Gainesville Chapter and won 3rd place in the State.
Those wishing to learn about the essay contest are encouraged to go to https://www.sar.org/george-s-stella-m-knight-essay-contest/ or contact the Gainesville Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution on Facebook.
Good Luck at State to Veronica Brown and her well-done essay. She is also entering an oration contest sponsored by the SAR, reading her essay.