Cedar Lakes Woods & Gardens launches “Raise the Roof” online capital campaign

Press release from Cedar Lakes Woods & Gardens

WILLISTON, Fla. – Cedar Lakes Woods & Gardens has launched an online fundraising campaign to help fund the construction of a new Conservation Education Center onsite. The fundraising campaign can be viewed on their website and on their Facebook page, “Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens.”

Raise the Roof

The online fundraising campaign symbolically funds the cost of installing the roof, and is part of a larger capital drive to raise the funds necessary to construct the entire education center.

As a thank you for “raise the roof” online donations, contributors will get the chance to symbolically “adopt” one of the many colorful animals in the Gardens including koi fish and swans. Contributors, based on their level of contribution, can choose which animal they’d like to adopt, and will receive a symbolic signed adoption certificate by return email. Symbolic adoptions are a great conservation gift for children and will help to provide needed funds to “raise the roof” on a new conservation education center.

The Conservation Education Center

The 6,000 sq ft Conservation Education Center will serve as an entry point to the Gardens, will feature seasonal static exhibits related to the Florida Aquifer and wild spaces conservation and include a large multi-purpose room where Garden staff and visiting agencies can conduct public workshops and clinics on related conservation and economic development topics, as well as other public uses.
