City of Gainesville offers holiday recycling tips

Press release from City of Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – It’s a time for wrapping presents and decorating the home – inside and out – with lights, trees, wreaths, and more.

If you’ve brought down the lights from the attic, only to plug them in and find out they no longer work, don’t toss them in your recycle bin. Instead, the City of Gainesville’s Solid Waste division offers these helpful recycling tips:

If you’ve decided to replace your artificial tree with a natural pine or fir this year, artificial trees can be disposed of curbside as part of the residential bulk collection program.

  • Artificial trees taller than five feet in length should be broken down into smaller pieces before placing curbside for collection.
  • To donate artificial trees in good condition, search the City’s Zero Waste Wizard for a list of local reuse stores.

Natural trees and wreaths also are accepted for collection curbside with regularly collected yard waste.

  • Remember to remove all tinsel, garland, ornaments, hooks, lights, wires, and other decorations from natural trees and wreaths before placing them curbside for pickup.
  • Remember to remove tree stands and store for next year.

Once the presents have been unwrapped, make sure to sort the gift wrap.

  • Only non-glittery wrapping paper is accepted for recycling and may be placed with other recyclable paper in orange recycle bins. 
  • Toss shiny and metallic foil wrap in your garbage cart.

Enjoy the popcorn, cookies, and sweets; metal holiday tins are accepted for recycling.

  • Remember to empty the tins and remove the lids before placing them in blue recycle bins. 