Congresswoman Kat Cammack Delivers First Republican Address Of The 117th Congress

Press release from Congresswoman Kat Cammack

Congresswoman Kat Cammack (FL-03) delivered the first Republican Address of this Congress in honor of our nation’s law enforcement officers and their families. As the wife of a firefighter and SWAT medic, she understands the sacrifices they make and the burdens they take on to protect our communities. Standing at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Congresswoman Cammack delivered a powerful message on behalf of House Republicans on Sunday. 

The full four-minute address is available on Congresswoman Cammack’s website or on YouTube.

“Hi there, Congresswoman Kat Cammack here – proudly representing Florida’s third Congressional District – the Gator Nation.

“This week marks National Police week and as the wife of a firefighter & swat medic – I am humbled and honored to deliver the first Republican address of the year to not just my colleagues here in Washington – but to Americans and LEOs all across this incredible country of ours.

“As we celebrate and thank our law enforcement officers from across the nation – my thoughts turn toward home. I think of the brave men and women in North Central Florida who uphold law and order every day, despite a growing call for their defunding. These courageous men and women—and the families that support them—continue to be an inspiration to me and my family. They remind me and my colleagues that public service starts with a humble heart, perseveres with grit, and never backs down in the most challenging of times.

“There is no doubt we find ourselves standing in the breach, holding the line between lawlessness and order.

“For me, I have been working to support our first responders and LEOs for over a decade—first marrying into the first responder family but then as an advocate—creating a foundation that provides critical lifesaving equipment for our men and women in uniform. It is through this lens that I have seen firsthand the very best of the law enforcement community as well as their challenges.

“I’ve seen the persistent detective who pulls into the driveway, still working a case over in her mind but walks through the front door as a mom, delivering the best energy and love she can to her kids. I’ve seen the overworked sergeant who pulls another overtime shift to cover for his fellow officer who is undergoing cancer treatment. And I’ve seen the deputy who drops off his kids’ used clothes at homes in the tough neighborhoods that he patrols.

“To our LEOs: we see beyond the badge; we see you.

“Our brave men and women in uniform are far more than just the people who uphold law and order in our hometowns. They are moms and dads, husbands and wives, sons and daughters who perform a critical, and often dangerous job to protect and serve all while trying to return home to their families at the end of every shift. And I can tell you as a wife who says good-bye to her first responder husband at the beginning of each shift that the fear of them not coming home is real.

“For all the families and LEOs out there, I know the conversations around the dinner table are not getting any easier or more comfortable. I know because I’ve had them. But please know that in the midst of these very painful and uncomfortable conversations, there is a thin blue line army that is growing by the day. It is made up of Americans from all walks of life who stand in defense of our police and their families.

“As lawmakers, it is our job to ensure that these brave crime fighters are supported with words AND action. Now, while Democrats on Capitol Hill have consistently voted to defund the police, Republicans have continued to stand up as the party of law and order and support a well-funded, well-trained community of law enforcement officers. We will continue being one team, one mission as a collective of loud voices and advocates for our first responders and law enforcement officers all across this country. I welcome any members regardless of party affiliation to join in this effort.

“To Leader McCarthy and my Republican colleagues: thank you for taking a stand and for having the backs of our LEOs, not just in words but also through action. To our Democratic colleagues who have called for the defunding of our heroes, please feel free to join us for an educational ride-along.

“To all of our first responders and LEOs and their families—thank you—and please know we’ve got your six. And finally, to all of those who we’ve lost in the line of duty, rest easy. We’ve got the watch.”
