County Manager provides update on Loren Cava’s dogs


Excerpted from here because of the interest in this story.

At the May 25 Alachua County Commission meeting, County Manager Michele Lieberman provided an update on the Loren Cava case. She said that County employees have made multiple visits to Cava’s property and have reviewed documents, videos, and emails. They have also observed Cava walking her dogs from “essentially a hidden location.” They are actively monitoring both the weight and physical condition of the dogs. On March 31, they issued a mandate for a veterinary examination of the dogs because staff felt they were underweight. Cava was provided instruction on proper feeding and diet. On April 5, Cava complied with the veterinary review, and the veterinarian’s professional opinion was that the dogs were underweight but not suffering from neglect. A follow-up visit occurred on April 19.

On May 19, Cava allowed County employees to bring the dogs to the shelter, and the shelter veterinarian did her own independent examination of the dogs, with findings consistent with the private veterinarian. She said the dogs are continuing to gain weight and are not suffering from neglect. Animal Services will continue investigating reports and will continue to work with Cava, her veterinarian, and her personal support structure. Lieberman said that at this time, the County doesn’t feel there is sufficient evidence to warrant further legal action. “I know that this may not be what certain members of the public want to hear, but I can assure the Board of County Commissioners, as well as I can assure the public, that we are actively monitoring this.”
