
County relaxes occupancy restrictions

Press release from Alachua County

In order to comply with the Governor’s Executive Orders 20-91, and 20-92 Alachua County has issued Emergency Order 2020-12.The most important updates in the County Order include:

  • Deferring to the State’s List of Essential Services and Activities Those wishing to inquire about the status of their business can go to the State Inquiry Form.
  • Changing occupancy rates of all non-medical and non-residential businesses (for example, grocery stores or religious institutions) Item No. 5. reads:
  • All non-medical and non-residential businesses and activities allowed under the Governor’s Orders shall limit occupancy by individuals other than staff to 25% of approved occupancy. Approved occupancy shall be the covered occupancy as rated by the Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. This section applies to services in houses of worship, churches, or synagogues.