Cox Employees Award $2,500 to Howard Bishop Middle School

Press release from Cox Communications
Cox Communications employees awarded a $2,500 grant to Howard Bishop Middle School to purchase technology students will use as part of their STEM curriculum. The Cox Charities Innovation in Education Grant is awarded annually to one or more classroom programs that encourage and promote students’ ingenuity and imagination. Earlier this year, schools were invited to submit applications for funding.
The school will use the money from the grant to create Hawk Connect. Through Hawk Connect, students in grades 6-8 will have access to a suite of technology they will use to learn STEM skills such as programming, data analysis, and graphing.
Aimee Pfannenstiel, Cox’s Central Florida market vice president, said giving back to the community is a core component to the Cox culture, and Cox Charities gives employees a chance to direct their donations to programs they select.
“Our employees fund these grants out of their own paychecks, and they choose programs they think will have the greatest impact,” Pfannenstiel said. “They really liked the idea that these students will be learning skills that are marketable and will give them an advantage not only in high school but beyond.”
In addition to the Innovation in Education grants, Cox Charities offers Community Investment grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. This grant application will open in August 2021. For more information about Cox Charities, visit