Democracy is under attack at city hall
Our democracy is under attack at city hall.
Gainesville city commissioners have been wanting to clamp down on “open general citizen comment” ever since the multi-billion dollar biomass boondoggle, and Thursday they plan to take action.
They are cherry-picking rules from other cities that offer FAR less citizen participation as a model, rather than merely looking across the street to see how their colleagues provide open government for OUR citizens.
Alachua County Commissioners allow FOUR opportunities for “open general citizen comment,” without all the draconian and convoluted rules that Gainesville city commissioners impose upon our citizens, regardless of whether or not you agree with them.
City commissioners only allow citizens to speak at TWO of the three opportunities provided for “open general citizen comment” at city hall and now are planning to GUT their city rules and proposing numerous OUTRAGEOUS changes.
Democracy in Gainesville is under ATTACK like never before by Gainesville city commissioners, and they must be stopped.
Please read “Changes coming to city commission public comment and meeting rules;” make every effort to contact the members of the city commission; attend the November 7th regular Gainesville city commission meeting at 1pm, asking them to vote “NO” on making any changes to the city rules; and share this with others.
Democracy must be defended.