Faith-based organizations invited to join Disaster Response Group

Press release from Alachua County

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – Alachua County Emergency Management (ACEM) has created a new group called the Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD). The County is inviting county faith-based organizations to complete an interest form that will provide the department with the contact information for their organizations. The form is a short questionnaire that will provide ACEM with a comprehensive list of faith-based groups expressing interest in joining the COAD to serve and assist our community during emergencies. 

In cooperating with faith-based organizations, ACEM hopes to strengthen the community’s resilience during disasters. Partnering with these groups, particularly in the aftermath of a disaster, will significantly enhance the County’s response efforts. 

“I am very excited for the chance to work with these groups and add their resources to our community response in times of need,” said Emergency Management Director Jen Grice.

Complete the interest form.
