
Gainesville City Commission candidate qualification period starts December 9


If you’re thinking of running for the Gainesville City of Commission in 2020, you don’t have much time to make up your mind. The qualification period starts at 12 PM on Monday, December 9 and ends at 12 PM on Friday, December 13. 

Three seats available

The At-Large Commission seat is elected by all electors of the City of Gainesville and will serve a 4.5-year term.

The District 2 and District 3 Commissioners are elected by the electors of the City of Gainesville residing in Districts 2 and 3 respectively and will serve 2.5-year terms.

Each candidate for the At-Large seat must be a qualified voter who is a resident of the City for a period of not less than six months prior to the date the person qualifies to run for office. The person elected to this seats shall continuously reside in Gainesville city limits during the term of office.

Each candidate for the District 2 and 3 seats must be a qualified voter who is a resident of the district in which they seek to be elected for a period of not less than six months prior to the date they qualify to run for office. The person elected as a district Commissioner shall continuously reside in that same city district during the term of office. 

The qualifying fee for each seat is $343.24, with undue burden available. 

For more information

The current list of candidates seeking election may be found on the City of Gainesville Election Page (on the “what’s on the ballot” link).

Anyone interested in qualifying or needing further information can contact the Clerk’s Office at 352-334-5015.

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