Gainesville City Commission to discuss dollar store restrictions, revisions to “Discrimination” ordinance
Press release from City of Gainesville
The Gainesville City Commission is holding its regular meeting Thursday, Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. in the City Hall auditorium (200 E. University Ave.). This agenda is subject to revisions. Changes to the scheduled agenda may occur prior to and/or at the start of the meeting. The meeting typically reconvenes for the evening session at 5:30 p.m.
Items of interest on this agenda include:
- 190791 General Government Budget Calendar
- 190905 Affirmative Action Plan Audit 2019
- 190894 2020 Census Update
- 190904 Dollar Store Restrictions
- 190814 Proposed Revisions to Chapter 8 titled “Discrimination” of the City Code of Ordinances
New: The Gainesville City Commission has made it easier for neighbors to share their thoughts on city business. You may now submit written public comment online for the official record or sign up in advance to speak at a commission meeting. Not able to stay for the whole meeting?  You may now speak during the new early comment period. Learn more…