January 17 School Board meeting to be held at 3 p.m.

Public notice
The School Board of Alachua County, Florida, gives notice of the development of amendments to rules and the development of amendments to various job descriptions for Education Support Professionals: Attendant Bus, Exceptional Student Education (ESE); Driver Bus; Painter; Plumber; and Technician HARV.
Date and Time: Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
Location: Board Room, School Board District Office, 620 University Avenue, Gainesville, FL
Amendments to Rules
Subject Areas Proposed Rule Adoptions
Policies: 6152 Student Fees, Fines and Charges; and 6152.01 Waiver of School Fees;
Subject Areas Proposed Rule Amendments
Policies: 0147.1 Travel and Per Diem; and 6550 Travel and Per Diem
Purpose and Effect: The purpose is to discuss and consider amendments to travel and per diem policies and adoption of new policies on student fees, fines, charges and waivers. The proposed amendments and/or proposed new policies include, but are not limited to: attendance at virtually held conferences and meetings; student fees, fines, charges, and waivers to participate in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular, non credit school activities. The effect is that these policies will be current, consistent, and easier to find, understand and use.
Authority: F.S. 112.061; 1000.05; 1001.32; 1001.33; 1001.39; 1001.41; 1001.42, 1001.43, 1001.49; 1001.51; 1002.33; 1003.02; 1006.06; 1006.28; 1006.40; 1009.26; 1011.051.
Amendments to Job Descriptions
Purpose and Effect: The purpose is to provide updates to existing position qualifications to allow the District to expand the number of applicants the District could receive for these positions. The effect is that the job descriptions will be correct, current, easy to understand and use, and Board personnel will have clear statements defining each position.
Authority: FS 1001.41; 1001.42(26); 1001.43(11); 1012.23.
The text of the preliminary drafts may be viewed at the District Website, www.sbac.edu, under the Board’s January 17, 2023, agenda, or obtained without cost from the Office of the Superintendent, 620 East University Avenue, Gainesville, Florida 32601, (352) 955-7880. There are several ways in which citizens could offer their input on these items: 1) submit input through email to issues@gm.sbac.edu by noon on the day of the board meeting/workshop (include the phrase Policies 1/17/23 in the subject line); or 2) go to the Board Room to offer input in person during the meeting. The meeting may also be broadcast on a video screen outside the Boardroom, on the District s website and/or Cox Channel 12.
Any person with a disability who requires accommodations to participate should contact the Office of the Superintendent, 620 East University Avenue, Gainesville, Florida 32601, (352) 955-7880 or 711 (TDD), at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, so that their needs can be accommodated.