June 1 Alachua County Commission Special Meeting
May 28, 2021

Press release from Alachua County
The Alachua County Commission will conduct a hybrid Special Meeting on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). The meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
The Commission will take public comment in person or by calling 1-800-876-7516. Masking in the meeting is now voluntary. Alachua County strongly recommends that those not vaccinated wear a mask.
The public may view the meeting on Cox Channel 12, Facebook, and the County’s Video on Demand website.
Items of interest:
- Urban Design Policies: Drive thru, Parking, Tree Mitigation, and LED Signage
- Recreation Future Land Use Policies
- Policy discussion on the potential of allowing RV parks in the Urban Cluster as transitional housing
View the agenda and backup items.
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