June 22 Alachua County Commission Regular Meeting: The Evening Meeting is Canceled

Press release from Alachua County
The Alachua County Commission will conduct a hybrid Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). The meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. The evening portion of the meeting is canceled.
The Commission will take public comment in person or by calling 1-800-876-7516. Masking in the meeting is now voluntary. Alachua County strongly recommends that those not vaccinated wear a mask. The public may view the meeting on Cox Channel 12, Facebook, and the County’s Video on Demand website.
Daytime items of interest:
- Appoint Two Commissioners to Joint Food System Policy Board
- County Growth Management Area Charter Amendment Implementation Procedures and Request to Advertise Public Hearings on Draft Amendments to the Unified Land Development Code
- American Rescue Plan – State and Local Fiscal Revenue Recovery Funds
- Request Approval of Freestyle Bullfighting Event at the Agriculture & Equestrian Center
- Sports Events Center Draft Development Agreement & Operations Agreement
- Alachua County’s 2020 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and Independent Audit
- Request to advertise Public Hearing on amendments to Unified Land Development Code Subdivision Regulations for rural residential subdivisions
- CPA-03-21: A large-scale Comprehensive Plan request amending Policy 3.11.1 of the Future Land Use Element related to the Rural Commercial Agriculture land use designation
- ZOM-01-21: A request to rezone from R-1a (Single Family Residential) district to R-1c (Single Family Residential) district
- ZOM-21-0534 03-21: The Village PD minor amendment
- Public Hearing to Consider Ordinance Amending County Code to Establish a Vessel Exclusion Zone in Melrose Bay at Melrose Park
View the agenda and backup items.
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