
Legislators headed back to Tallahassee for special session on Congressional districts

Primary map passed by the legislature in regular session


The Florida legislature is heading back to Tallahassee on Tuesday for a special session following Governor DeSantis’ veto of the bill they passed in the regular session to establish new Congressional districts for the state following the 2020 census.

During the 2022 regular legislative session, the legislature passed CS/SB 102, which established a primary map, shown above, and a secondary map in case the primary map was overturned in court.

When he vetoed the bill, DeSantis said, “We have a responsibility to produce maps for our citizens that do not contain unconstitutional racial gerrymanders.” He has now proposed the map below, and the legislative leadership has signaled that they will approve it.

Map proposed by Governor DeSantis for special session

Democrats in the legislature have been critical of DeSantis’ actions, with Sen. Annette Tadeo, who is also running for governor, telling the Miami Herald that she plans to boycott the special session and has called for other Democrats to do the same. She tweeted, “I’m not here to play Ron DeSantis’ games. I’m here to make a difference for Florida families, so I’m boycotting the upcoming special session.”
