Local authorities urge those with respiratory illness and/or fever to self-isolate
Press release from Alachua County
Anyone who is experiencing any respiratory illness and/or fever should be practicing good self-isolating techniques. Self-isolating means staying away from others and staying at home. Don’t go to work, school, or public areas during this time.
Those with respiratory illness may end the self-isolation when they are symptom-free after seven days. Those whose symptoms include fever should be fever-free for three days without taking fever-reducing medication.
Those with questions or concerns about COVID-19, including testing, should call their doctor or the Alachua County Health Department’s call center at 352-334-8810. Operators are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (after hours call 352-334-7900). The County’s 311 Critical Information Line is also available to answer questions.
For current Coronavirus (COVID-19) information, visit the Alachua County Coronavirus website, the Alachua County Facebook page, call the Coronavirus Information Line at 866-779-6121, visit the Florida Department of Health website, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).