March 28 Alachua County Development Review Committee Meeting

Press release from Alachua County
ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, March 28, 2024, in the Jack Durrance Auditorium at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville). This meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
The Committee will take public comments in person only. The meeting will not be available on Cox Cable Channel 12. The public may view the meeting on the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), and the County’s Video on Demand website.
Items for the Development Review Committee Meeting:
Christ Community Church – Phase 2 – This is a Final Development Plan to construct an approximately 18,900 sf building addition, including a new sanctuary and offices with associated infrastructure on approximately 8.80 acres. It is located on Tax Parcel Number 04425-031-000 at 1603 S.W. 122nd Street.
Tara Verde Subdivision – This is a Final Development Plan and Plat to construct a single-family attached and detached residential subdivision with 177 units and associated infrastructure in two phases on approximately 44.41 acres. It is located on Tax Parcel Numbers 04291-000-000, 04291-002-000, and 04291-004-000 at 13908 N.W. 13th Avenue.
Tara Larga Subdivision – Phases 1 & 2 – This is a Final Development Plan and Plat to construct 101 single-family residential units with associated infrastructure improvements on approximately 28.03 acres. It is located on a portion of Tax Parcel Number 04423-001-000 east of the intersection of S.W. 8th Avenue and Parker Road.